The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The crown shattered to pieces." (V kuski razletelasya korona) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

The crown has shattered into pieces,

No empire, no throne remains.

The life of Russia and its laws -

All gone to hell!

And we, as if driven into holes,

Like thieves caught red-handed,

Only blood stained with shame

Shared in half.

And we can't figure out a damn thing -

Who to break with, who to stay with,

Who is on our side, whom to fear,

Where to go, where to turn -

Impossible to understand!

Where is the spirit?

Where is the honor?

Where is the shame?

Who are our own, and who are strangers?

How did we come to this,

Don't we care about Russia anymore?

Shame - on all who value peace above all,

On all who are devoured by doubt,

Whether he can or cannot


Signal!... Like wolves, and like bulls,

Like a vulture on its prey.

We'll only call upon ravens

To feast.

Hey, you! Where is your former firmness,

Where is your former pride?

To rest today is cowardice!

The pistol is gripped by a firm hand.

The end,

Of everything,

The end.

Everything is broken, shattered,

We have only a little left -

Only to shoot ourselves in the temple, or the enemy.

В куски разлетелася корона,

Нет державы, нет и трона.

Жизнь России и законы -

Все к чертям!

И мы, словно загнанные в норы, Словно пойманные воры,

Только кровь одна с позором


И нам ни черта не разобраться -

С кем порвать и с кем остаться,

Кто за нас, кого бояться,

Где пути, куда податься -

Не понять!

Где дух?

Где честь?

Где стыд?

Где свои, а где чужие?

Как до этого дожили,

Неужели на Россию нам плевать?

Позор - всем, кому покой дороже,

Всем, кого сомненье гложет,

Может он или не может


Сигнал!... И по-волчьи, и по-бычьи

И как коршун на добычу.

Только воронов покличем


Эй, вы! Где былая ваша твердость,

Где былая ваша гордость?

Отдыхать сегодня - подлость!

Пистолет сжимает твердая рука.




Все разбилось, поломалось,

Нам осталось только малость -

Только выстрелить в висок иль во врага.

Vladimir Vysotsky's poem "The Crown Has Shattered into Pieces" is a cry from the soul of the lyrical hero, reflecting confusion and pain in the face of the collapse of the familiar world and its foundations.

The destruction of the monarchy ("The crown has shattered into pieces") symbolizes the collapse of old Russia, its statehood and order ("No state, no throne"). People's lives are turned upside down, old laws have lost their power, and a time of chaos and uncertainty has come ("The life of Russia and its laws - All to hell!").

People feel lost, cornered ("like those driven into burrows, Like thieves caught red-handed"). The only thing they have left is a sense of shared shame and blood ("Only blood and shame Remain").

In this atmosphere of uncertainty and fear, it is impossible to distinguish friend from foe, to understand which side is right ("And we can't figure out a damn thing - Who to break with and who to stay with, Who is for us, who to fear"). There is a feeling of complete chaos and lack of direction ("Where are the paths, where to turn - Impossible to understand!").

The lyrical hero painfully searches for support in moral values, but they too are destroyed ("Where is the spirit? Where is honor? Where is shame? Where are our own, and where are the strangers?"). He cannot believe that all this is happening to his country, to his people ("How did we come to this, Should we really spit on Russia?").

Vysotsky blames what is happening on those who remained indifferent to the tragedy, who preferred peace and inaction to struggle ("Shame on all those who value peace above all, All those gnawed by doubt, Whether they can or cannot Kill").

There is a call to action, to fight ("Signal!"), even if it is cruel and merciless ("Like wolves, like bulls, Like a kite on its prey"). But the lyrical hero understands that this struggle can only lead to more bloodshed ("We will only call the ravens To feast").

He addresses those who are still capable of fighting, appealing to their sense of duty and patriotism ("Hey, you! Where is your former firmness, Where is your former pride? To rest today is cowardice!").

The ending of the poem is tragic. The hero sees only two ways out: death or struggle to the end ("A firm hand grips the pistol. The end, The end of everything. Everything is broken, shattered, We have only a little left - Only to shoot ourselves in the temple or the enemy").

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