The meaning of the lyrics of the song "On the day we secure the earth's support" (V den, kogda myi, podderjkoy zemli zaruchas) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

On the day, when with the support of land secured,

On the high water, on our salty sea,

We set sail at the appointed hour,

The sea will rock us,

Like a mother of wayward children.

The waves will work - and by the sweat of their brow

They'll carve our ship's sides,

The engines will hastily begin to build months

Out of rhythmic seconds.

And around - only the water's surface - bliss!

And for long miles around - not a soul!

That's why it's hard for sailors to get used to

Falling asleep after the rocking in the quiet of home.

Our weekdays - without holidays, without days off,

At sea, we'll have enough to do even without rest.

We forget our sweethearts:

They - miss us, sometimes we don't miss them -

May they forgive us this sin!

No, it's not true! We sigh for them at the helm

And in our sleep we whisper their names.

We're not chasing skirts here,

Not for happiness, but for the shoal.

And around - only the water's surface - bliss!

No fences, no walls - plow or dance as you please!

That's why it's hard for sailors to get used to

Falling asleep after the rocking in the quiet of home.

They say we sail for a long ruble -

By the way, long rubles are not easy to come by -

But we sail the sea - beyond the sea,

And also - for that one day,

That we will never forget.

And when from another, dissimilar spring

We arrive straight at our native pier,

The sea gates of the country will dissolve

Before each of its sailors.

At sea - the water's surface, and also - bliss,

And no news - no matter how much you write...

That's why it's hard for sailors to get used to

Falling asleep after the rocking in the cozy quiet.

And again we sail away, betrothed to the land -

With this most faithful bride of ours -

To return at the appointed hour,

No matter how the sea may lull us -

The mother of wayward children.

The lighthouse forgot to wink at us from above,

Just stares with wide eyes - shocked, dumbfounded:

He saw the ship rise on its screws,

Revving up to the limit.

And to stand on the pier - is bliss all the same -

And to sway on land, and to sing from the heart.

We, who have returned, are no strangers to getting used to

After loud storms, to the long-awaited peace!

В день, когда мы, поддержкой земли заручась,

По высокой воде, по соленой своей,

Выйдем точно в назначенный час, -

Море станет укачивать нас,

Словно мать непутевых детей.

Волны будут работать - и в поте лица

Корабельные наши борты иссекут,

Торопливо машины начнут месяца

Составлять из ритмичных секунд.

А кругом - только водная гладь, - благодать!

И на длинные мили кругом - ни души!..

Оттого морякам тяжело привыкать

Засыпать после качки в домашней тиши.

Наши будни - без праздников, без выходных, -

В море нам и без отдыха хватит помех.

Мы подруг забываем своих :

Им - до нас, нам подчас не до них, -

Да простят они нам этот грех!

Нет, неправда! Вздыхаем о них у кормы

И во сне имена повторяем тайком.

Здесь совсем не за юбкой гоняемся мы,

Не за счастьем, а за косяком.

А кругом - только водная гладь, - благодать!

Ни заборов, ни стен - хоть паши, хоть пляши!..

Оттого морякам тяжело привыкать

Засыпать после качки в домашней тиши.

Говорят, что плывем мы за длинным рублем, -

Кстати, длинных рублей просто так не добыть, -

Но мы в море - за морем плывем,

И еще - за единственным днем,

О котором потом не забыть.

А когда из другой, непохожей весны

Мы к родному причалу придем прямиком, -

Растворятся морские ворота страны

Перед каждым своим моряком.

В море - водная гладь, да еще - благодать,

И вестей - никаких, сколько нам ни пиши...

Оттого морякам тяжело привыкать

Засыпать после качки в уютной тиши.

И опять уплываем, с землей обручась -

С этой самою верной невестой своей, -

Чтоб вернуться в назначенный час,

Как бы там не баюкало нас

Море - мать непутевых детей.

Вот маяк нам забыл подморгнуть с высоты,

Только пялит глаза - ошалел, обалдел :

Он увидел, что судно встает на винты,

Обороты врубив на предел.

А на пирсе стоять - все равно благодать, -

И качаться на суше, и петь от души.

Нам, вернувшимся, не привыкать привыкать

После громких штормов к долгожданной тиши!

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The Day We Set Out, With the Land's Support" delves into the complex and multifaceted life of sailors.

On one hand, the sea is their home, a harsh yet beloved element. It tests their mettle, rocks them "like a mother her unruly children," but also grants them a sense of freedom and unity with nature: "All around - just the water's expanse - what bliss!" Sailors grow accustomed to this vastness, the constant movement, and find it difficult to adapt to the "quiet of home."

On the other hand, they yearn for home, for loved ones, for the "different kind of spring" on the shore. Vysotsky reveals that behind the outward harshness of sailors lie sensitive hearts: "No, it's not true! We sigh for them at the stern and whisper their names in our sleep."

The search for something more is a crucial motif. Sailors sail not only for "a fistful of rubles," but for something greater - for vivid experiences, for "that one day they'll never forget." They tie their fate to the sea, their "most faithful bride," and return to her time and again, despite the hardships and dangers.

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