The meaning of the lyrics of the song "It was springtime, springtime fair..." (Byila vesna, vesna-krasna...) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

It was spring, a beautiful spring.

One day I went for a walk in the garden,

And there she was, sitting all alone,

Nervously crumpling a black scarf in frustration.

I approached her, and said, and started a conversation:

"Would you allow me to walk with you?"

She replied: "No, go away, you scoundrel!

And don't bother me, I'm waiting for someone else!"

And the nightingale - "Chirp-chirp-chirp!" -

Among the branches - "Chirp-chirp-chirp!" -

The scoundrel, he poured out his cheerful trills,

Charming everyone! ... What a scoundrel!

As if he himself had never been in love!

Suddenly - God forbid! - standing in the bushes,

Stands a huge, healthy brute,

Stands tall as foam, with shoulders - a fathom wide,

In his hands - a huge spruce log!

And at that very moment, I cried out,

He hit me on the head with a club,

Took off my suit, took off my suit - what a scoundrel! -

And left me in what my mother bore me in.

And the nightingale - "Chirp-chirp-chirp!" -

Among the branches,

The scoundrel, he poured out his cheerful trills!

Charming everyone - "Chirp-chirp-chirp!" - what a scoundrel!

As if he had never been in love in his life!

I won't lie: I lay down in bed,

And I sobbed like a child after a whipping!

Since then, friends, the nightingale's trill

Affects the nerves like a dose of castor oil!

And the nightingale - "Chirp-chirp-chirp!" -

Among the branches -

The scoundrel, he poured out his cheerful trills,

Charming everyone... What a scoundrel!

As if he himself had gorged on castor oil!

Была весна, весна красна.

Однажды вышел прогуляться я по саду,

Гляжу - она, гляжу - она сидить одна,

Платочек чёрный нервно комкает с досадой.

Я подошёл к ней, и сказал, и речь завёл:

"Не разрешите ль мне в пару с Вами прогуляться?"

Она в ответ сказала: "Нет, уйди нахал!

И не мешайте мне другого дожидаться!"

А соловей - "Чирик-чих-чих!" -

Среди ветвей - "Чирик-чих-чих!" -

Мерзавец, трелью он весёлой заливался,

Всех чаровал!.. Какой нахал!

Как будто тоже он ни разу не влюблялся!

Вдруг - Божий страх! - стоит в кустах,

Стоит огромная здоровая детина,

Стоит, как пень, в плечах - сажень,

В руках - огромная еловая дубина!

И в тот же миг, и в тот же миг я поднял крик,

По голове меня дубиной он ударил,

Костюмчик снял, костюмчик снял - какой нахал! -

И в чём мамаша родила, меня оставил.

А соловей - "Чирих-чих-чих!" -

Среди ветвей,

Мерзавец, трелию весёлой заливался!

Всех чаровал - "Чирих-чих-чих!" - какой нахал!

Как будто в жизни он ни разу не влюблялся!

Не стану врать: я лёг в кровать,

И зарыдал я, как ребёнок после порки!

С тех пор, друзья, трель соловья

На нерьвы действует, как порция касторки!

А соловей - "Чирик-чик-чик!" -

Среди ветвей -

Мерзавец, трелию весёлой заливался,

Всех чаровал... Какой нахал!

Как будто тоже он касторки обожрался!

In the song "It was spring, a beautiful spring..." Vladimir Vysotsky uses irony and grotesqueness to depict a love triangle and the disappointment of a lover.

The lyrical hero, walking in the garden, meets a girl waiting for someone else. His attempt to get acquainted is met with rudeness, and the carefree singing of the nightingale only emphasizes his own love failure.

The appearance of a "huge, healthy fellow," obviously the girl's lover, leads to a comical denouement. The hero is beaten and robbed, and the nightingale continues to sing, oblivious to the suffering of others.

Vysotsky uses the image of the nightingale, traditionally associated with love and romance, to create a satirical effect. The bird's singing, contrasting with the hero's grief, emphasizes the indifference of nature to human experiences. The nightingale, a "scoundrel" and "impudent," personifies the blind force of love, capable of both joy and suffering.

The final comparison of the nightingale's trill to the effect of castor oil, a laxative, serves as an ironic metaphor. Love, like castor oil, can have both a cleansing and a painful effect.

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