The meaning of the lyrics of the song "In the distant constellation of Tau Ceti" (V dalekom sozvezdii Tau Kita) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

In the distant constellation of Tau Ceti

Something became unclear to us

We send a signal: "What are you doing there?"

But we are sent back

On Tau Ceti

They live in beauty

They live, by the way, in different ways

Our comrades in reason

So, moving along a beam of light

Without help, but by means of it

I'm flying to this very Tau Ceti

To deal with it on the spot

On Tau Ceti

Something is wrong

There, the Tau Cetian brethren

Went crazy, - by our standards

For now, I lie in anabiosis

Those Tau Cetians are raging

I get in touch with them less and less

They are being very hooligans

The Tau Cetians

In the alphabet of words

Not much, and the system is bourgeois

And their humor is absurd

I landed the ship like my own backside

Slightly bending the reflector

I shouted in Tau Cetian: "Vivat!"

Which in our language means - "Hello!"

In Tau Cetians

All appearance is a deception

You can't compete with them here

They appear and disappear

A Tau Cetian is like a Papuan to you

I was briefly hinted about them

I shouted: "The Galaxy is ashamed of you!"

In response, they blinked something

On Tau Ceti

Conditions are not the same

There is no atmosphere, it's stuffy

But the Tau Cetians are welcoming

In the heat of the moment, I shouted at them: your mother, they say!

But my cybernetic guide

Translated me so literally

That I felt ashamed of myself

But the Tau Cetians

Such beasts

Probably managed to gain some

They appear and disappear

"We are brothers by gender," I shout, "men!"

But somehow my voice broke

I grabbed the Tau Cetian woman by the chest

"Come on," I say, "confess!"

She told me: "Go away!"

They say, we are ahead

We don't want to know men

And now we will bud!

I don't remember how I lifted my starship

I'm flying in a drinking mood

After all, the Earth has gone three hundred years ahead

According to Einstein's vile theory!

What if there too

Like on Tau Ceti

Knowledge has increased terribly

What if there is - budding?!

В далеком созвездии Тау Кита

Все стало для нас непонятно

Сигнал посылаем: "Вы что это там?"

А нас посылают обратно

На Тау Ките

Живут в красоте

Живут, между прочим, по-разному

Товарищи наши по разуму

Вот, двигаясь по световому лучу

Без помощи, но при посредстве

Я к Тау Кита этой самой лечу

Чтоб с ней разобраться на месте

На Тау Кита

Чегой-то не так

Там таукитайская братия

Свихнулась, - по нашим понятиям

Покамест я в анабиозе лежу

Те таукитяне буянят

Все реже я с ними на связь выхожу

Уж очень они хулиганят

У таукитов

В алфавите слов

Немного, и строй - буржуазный

И юмор у них - безобразный

Корабль посадил я как собственный зад

Слегка покривив отражатель

Я крикнул по-таукитянски: "Виват!"

Что значит по-нашему - "Здрасьте!"

У таукитян

Вся внешность - обман

Тут с ними нельзя состязаться

То явятся, то растворятся

Мне таукитянин - как вам папуас

Мне вкратце об них намекнули

Я крикнул: "Галактике стыдно за вас!"

В ответ они чем-то мигнули

На Тау Ките

Условья не те

Тут нет атмосферы, тут душно

Но таукитяне радушны

В запале я крикнул им: мать вашу, мол!

Но кибернетический гид мой

Настолько буквально меня перевел

Что мне за себя стало стыдно

Но таукиты

Такие скоты

Наверно, успели набраться

То явятся, то растворятся

"Мы, братья по полу, - кричу, - мужики!"

Ну чтой-то мой голос сорвался

Я таукитянку схватил за грудки

"А ну, - говорю, - признавайся!"

Она мне: "Уйди!"

Мол, мы впереди

Не хочем с мужчинами знаться

А будем теперь почковаться!

Не помню, как поднял я свой звездолет

Лечу в настроенье питейном

Земля ведь ушла лет на триста вперед

По гнусной теории Эйнштейна!

Что, если и там

Как на Тау Кита

Ужасно повысилось знанье

Что, если и там - почкованье?!

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "In the Distant Constellation of Tau Ceti" is filled with irony and satire, and its main meaning lies in the critique of Soviet reality. Under the guise of a fantastic journey to another planet, Vysotsky ridicules the hypocrisy, stagnation, and absurdity of the Soviet system.

The "Tau Cetians" are an allegorical representation of Soviet people. Their "beauty" and "reason" are a mockery of propaganda clichés that presented the Soviet system as ideal. Phrases like "they live differently" and "gone mad, by our standards" hint at the totalitarian nature of the system, where any dissent was perceived as madness.

The description of "Tau Cetian" culture is a caricature of Soviet reality: "bourgeois system," "ugly humor," lack of freedom of speech ("few words in the alphabet"). "Appearance is deceiving" – a reference to the ostentatious window dressing and insincerity that reigned in society.

The protagonist, an astronaut, is a collective image of a Soviet person oppressed by the system. His attempts to establish contact with the "Tau Cetians" end in failure – he does not understand them, they do not understand him.

The scene with the "Tau Cetian woman" becomes the culmination. "Budding" – a metaphor for asexual reproduction – is a hint at the lack of freedom of choice and individuality in a totalitarian society. The hero flees the planet in horror, but he is terrified by the thought that upon returning to Earth, he will find the same thing.

The song ends with bitter irony: the progress embodied in "Einstein's nasty theory" has led to the fact that the same stagnation and absurdity reigns on Earth as on Tau Ceti.

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