The meaning of the lyrics of the song "In a sea of tears." (V more slez) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

A sea of tears has spread all around,

And here I am, taking a tearful bath -

It must be across this sea of my own tears

That I'm sailing to the Tearful Ocean.

One can't help but feel lost here -

Alone, facing the elements!

Maybe they were wrong, those school lessons,

That said seas were made of ordinary salt...

If only an ice floe came by,

Or a kind dolphin crossed my path!..

Слезливое море вокруг разлилось,

И вот принимаю я слезную ванну,-

Должно быть, по морю из собственных слез

Плыву к Слезовитому я океану.

Растеряешься здесь поневоле -

Со стихией один на один!

Может, зря проходили мы в школе,

Что моря - из поваренной соли...

Хоть бы льдина попалась мне, что ли,

Иль попался мне добрый дельфин!..

In the poem "In a Sea of Tears," Vladimir Vysotsky employs the metaphor of a sea composed of tears to convey the profound sense of loneliness and despair experienced by the lyrical hero.

The image of a sea of tears is a hyperbole that emphasizes the depth of suffering and pain endured by the hero. He feels literally overwhelmed by grief, as if he is swimming in a boundless sea made up of his own tears. This image alludes to the biblical story of the flood, where water symbolizes both purification and destruction. In this case, tears are not only a symbol of pain but also a kind of path of purification that the hero undergoes.

"I sail to the Teary Ocean" – this line intensifies the feeling of hopelessness and doom. The ocean, even more vast and turbulent than the sea, is presented as the final point of this journey, a place where all the world's sorrow is concentrated.

"You'd be lost here involuntarily -

Alone with the elements!"

In these lines, the hero appears before us lost and lonely. The sea of tears becomes a symbol of a hostile world in which he is forced to survive alone. The "elements" here are not only a natural phenomenon but also a metaphor for the life's adversities that the hero faces.

"Maybe we learned in vain at school

That seas are made of table salt..."

These lines, imbued with irony, show how the hero's usual ideas about the world are crumbling under the weight of his experiences. The reality he faced turned out to be much more cruel and unpredictable than school knowledge.

"If only an ice floe came my way,

Or a kind dolphin appeared!..."

The poem concludes with a plea for help, for something that could wrest the hero from the abyss of despair. The ice floe and the dolphin are symbols of hope, salvation, a ray of light in the realm of darkness.

Thus, "In a Sea of Tears" is a poem about a deep existential crisis, about a person's encounter with forces that seem insurmountable to him. However, despite the tragedy of the situation, in the finale, there is still room for hope, however illusory.

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