The meaning of the lyrics of the song "In a small sunlit puddle..." (V malenkoy solnechnoy lujice...) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

In a small, sunny puddle,

Amusing the gaze of the gods,

A tiny ball spins and whirls,

A black speck - the Earth.

Oh, your poor, pitiful fate,

With little joy and little pain,

You poor little ball, Earth,

Let me lull you to sleep.

Just doze off, forget everything,

Surrender to the power of dreams,

And through the misty Milky Way

You'll rush to your beloved Mars.

He won't embrace you, won't meet you,

Won't whisper of endless love.

But you leave, loving him still,

The Milky Way calls you forth.

You spin in infinity,

Years turn into eons.

You must be tired of eternity,

Hush, hush, lullaby.

Burning grief you have absorbed,

Tears and cries are the proof.

You poor little ball, Earth,

Let me lull you to sleep:

Hush, hush...

В маленькой солнечной лужице,

Взоры богов веселя,

Маленьким шариком кружится

Черный комочек - Земля.

Бедная, жалкая доля твоя,

С маленьким счастьем и маленькой мукою,

Бедненький шарик Земля,

Ну дай, я тебя убаюкаю.

Ты же вздремни, обо всем позабудь,

Грезам во власть отдайся,

И вот ты сквозь дымчатый Млечный путь

Мчишься к любимому Марсу.

Он не обнимет, не встретит тебя

И не шепнет о любви бесконечной.

Ты же уходишь любя,

Путь зовет тебя Млечный.

Вертишься ты в бесконечности,

Годы веками встают.

Ты, видно, устала от вечности,

Баюшки, баю, баю.

Горькое горе впитала в себя,

Слезы и стоны тому порукою.

Бедненький шарик Земля,

Ну дай, я тебя убаюкаю:

Баю, бай...

In Vladimir Vysotsky's poem "In a Tiny Sunlit Puddle..." the author paints an allegorical picture of the world, where Earth is depicted as a small fragile sphere lost in the vast expanse of the Universe.

The opening lines portray the insignificance of Earth ("tiny little ball") against the backdrop of the immense cosmos ("tiny sunlit puddle"). This seeming insignificance is emphasized by the indifference of the "gods," for whom earthly concerns are merely a source of amusement.

The lyrical hero is filled with compassion for the "pitiful," "wretched" Earth, filled with "tiny joys and tiny woes." He seems to try to lull and comfort the planet, offering it to forget itself in dreams and illusions ("just doze, forget about it all").

The dream of escaping to "beloved Mars" turns into a tragedy. Mars embodies an unattainable dream, the cold indifference of the cosmos to human feelings. Earth is doomed to eternal solitary wandering ("you're spinning in infinity"), its path is a path of sorrow and suffering ("bitter grief," "tears and moans").

In the final lines of the poem, the lullaby intonation takes on a tragic hue. Lulling the Earth becomes not a comfort, but an acknowledgment of the hopelessness of its existence. The poem leaves a heavy impression of hopelessness and the fragility of human existence in the face of eternity and the indifference of the Universe.

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