The meaning of the lyrics of the song "To Lose My Life" by the artist "White Lies"

This is the meaning of the song “To Lose My Life” by White Lies:

The song explores the fear of loss and the longing for eternal love. The lyrical hero faces a dilemma: "to lose my life or lose your love" – this is the nightmare he is running from. The phrase "to hold you in my arms" speaks of the desire to hold onto love, to find refuge from the transience of life.

Childhood memories of carefree days and the belief that "my soul could climb, above the trees" contrast with the hero's current state. "Desperate fear" runs through his blood; he is afraid that love is dead and buried under "layers of mud."

The recurring refrain "let's grow old together and die at the same time" expresses a deep desire for eternity, an inseparable bond with a loved one. It is a plea to conquer time and the inevitability of death.

The character the hero encounters possibly represents his past self. He is in a hurry, ignoring the pleas for eternal love, and only later realizes his mistake. The "heavy heart" and "craving regrets" suggest that he missed his chance for true happiness.

The song ends with a repetition of the opening lines, emphasizing the cyclical nature of the hero's experiences and the inability to break free from the shackles of fear. "To Lose My Life" is a poignant ballad about the fragility of love and the longing for eternity in a world where everything is finite.

He said to lose my life or lose my love,

That's the nightmare I've been running from.

So let me hold you in my arms a while,

I was always careless as a child.

And there's a part of me that still believes,

My soul will soar above the trees.

But a desperate fear flows through my blood,

That our dead love's buried beneath the mud.

Let's grow old together,

And die at the same time.

Let's grow old together,

And die at the same time.

I said I've got no time I have to go,

And I was more right then now I'll ever know.

He said my heart is faint, will minds regret,

And left him crying next to the chapels steps.

Let's grow old together,

And die at the same time.

Let's grow old together,

And die at the same time.

He said…

Let's grow old together,

And die at the same time.

Let's grow old together,

And die at the same time.

He said…

He said to lose my life or lose my love,

That's the nightmare I've been running from.

So let me hold you in my arms a while,

I was careless as a child.

There's a part of me that still believes,

My soul will soar above the trees.

A desperate fear flows through my blood,

Our dead loves buried beneath the mud.

A desperate fear flows through my blood,

Our dead loves buried beneath the mud.

OST The Vampire Diaries ()

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