The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Diggs Road" by the artist "Whitechapel"

The song "Diggs Road" by Whitechapel depicts a lyrical protagonist grappling with unbearable emotional pain caused by the loss of loved ones. The lyrics are saturated with despair, longing, and a desire to reunite with the departed at any cost.

The phrase "Suicide brings me to life" reflects the extreme despair of the protagonist. He sees suicide as the only way to end his suffering and find peace by reuniting with those he has lost. "These tears burn holes in my face" is a metaphor that conveys the depth of his grief and anguish.

The protagonist clings to memories, calling them "pure bliss," but immediately admits that "the memory is gone forever," which intensifies his suffering. He is ready for anything, even to "walk through the flames of hell," to see the faces of his loved ones again.

The recurring phrase "Time heals nothing" emphasizes the hopelessness of his situation. Time, which usually helps to cope with pain, in his case does not bring relief.

Sleep becomes the protagonist's only refuge, where he can meet with his loved ones. But awakening returns him to reality, intensifying his suffering.

At the end of the song, the protagonist decides to commit suicide in order to "sleep forever" and finally reunite with those he has lost. "Diggs Road" is a dark and heartbreaking picture of struggling with loss, where suicide is presented as the only way out of the darkness.

Suicide, it brings me life

It's the only way I know how to cope with this

These tears are burning holes in my face

My memory of them is pure bliss

Now the memory forever erased

Even if you're in hell

I'll go down in flames

Just to see your faces again

But until that day

I'll sit here and wait to die

'Cause time doesn't heal a thing

Suicide is the only thing left for me

Time just won't heal anything

I saw you both in a dream

Your arms streched out reaching for me

In the night I woke calling your names

It's so depressing, time won't heal a thing

In my dreams is where I seem to find you

Consciousness is my hell

Close these eyes, forever I will sleep

Forever I'll sleep, I need to feel your touch

I'll close my eyes, I'll come to you

So I can see you again

I'll come to you, 'cause time won't heal a thing

Even if you're in hell

I'll go down in flames

Just to see your faces again

But until that day

I'll sit here and wait to die

'Cause time doesn't heal

Time won't heal

Time doesen't heal a thing

Forever I'll sleep, I need to feel your touch

I'll close my eyes, I'll come to you

So I can see you again

I'll close my eyes

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