The meaning of the lyrics of the song "We've Done This Before" by the artist "Willie Nelson Kimmie Rhodes"

Willie Nelson and Kimmie Rhodes' song "We've Done This Before" celebrates the enduring and destined nature of true love, a love that seems to have transcended lifetimes.

From the very first lines, the songwriters dismiss the idea of chance in their encounter. This is not a "ship of fools" sailing into the unknown. The lovers are certain of their path, guided by the stars, a symbol of destiny and eternal guidance. Their love is not accidental but preordained, "our hearts always knew the way," and their meeting was inevitable.

The key phrase "We've done this before" emphasizes the idea of reincarnation and past lives in which the souls of the lovers have already found each other. They are confident in their feelings and their ability to overcome any obstacle ("this boat can sail [through] stormy weather"). Their calmness and assurance ("it'll be easy") stem from the knowledge that even "a thousand years from now," they will be together again.

The image of a wave returning to the shore beautifully illustrates the naturalness and ease of their relationship. Just as a wave inevitably finds its way back to the shore, so too are the souls of the lovers drawn to each other.

Repeating the phrase "We've done this before" at the end of the song reinforces the cyclical and eternal nature of their love, a love that knows no boundaries in time or space.

This ain't no ship of fools

We know where we're headed

We know how to chart the stars

That shine for you and me

It was no lucky guess

That brought us to each other

Our hearts have always known the way

It was meant to be

We've done this before

We know how to live this love once more

Like a wave returning to the shore

It's gonna be easy we've done this before

We know this boat may sail

Into stormy weather

But we don't fear the endless sky

That brought us here together

So, for a thousand thousand years

We'll always find each other

And know that one day when we meet

We'll sail beyond the sea

We've done this before

We know how to live this love once more

Like a wave returning to the shore

It's gonna be easy we've done this before [2x]

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