The meaning of the lyrics of the song "There Is No Victory" by the artist "Windrider"

The poem "There Is No Victory" by Windrider tells the tragic story of sixteen warriors defending their ancient faith and land from an invading army driven by greed and corruption.

The author vividly describes the contrast between the two opposing forces: on one hand, sixteen warriors united by brotherhood and faith, and on the other, a faceless army devoid of convictions and ready for anything for the sake of profit.

The main message of the poem is that even in the face of inevitable defeat, the warriors remain true to their ideals. They know that physical death is not the end, but only a transition to another world where gods and ancestors await them.

Although the title of the poem states "There Is No Victory", the text traces the idea of a moral victory. By sacrificing themselves for a higher purpose, the warriors retain their honor and dignity, which is more important than physical survival.

The image of a "feast with the gods" symbolizes not only posthumous reward, but also the eternity of their struggle, which will continue in the memory of their descendants.

Beneath the sun kissed winter sky

And the Gods above the earth

Sixteen sons stand side by side

Sixteen men at arms

Of those were two noble sons

Descent from noble kings.

Another four were stable boys

Born on western plains.

But all stood there on that day

A brotherhood of man

Survivors of an ancient faith

From whence the world began

The cold wind bites their bloody tears

But they seem to pay no heed

Their eyes fixed on the amassing force

Led by corruption, fuelled by greed

Warriors of an empty faith

Who march against their will

But blood will stain the land this day

Their evil aim will be fulfilled


Hear my scream

Gods above

Prepare to feast with me


Hear my scream

Gods above

Prepare to feast with me

"Twenty of them to one of us"

The bearded elder screams

A silhouette in the morning sun

Before the sun god's golden beams

In his eye a lonely tear

Falls down his wrinkled face

His heritage and his culture

Taken by Christian grace

Stand against oppose

Death for our belief

Glory on this battlefield

Innocence and grief

Wipe those fearful tears my friend

Your death will not be your end

In the worlds, beyond what we see

Your life will continue then

You will again open your eyes

Your bones will heal and wounds will fade

With gods of old you'll mock and laugh

At the being to which you foes have prayed


Hear my Scream

Gods above

Prepare to feast with me


Hear my Scream

Gods above

Prepare to feast with me


Free on common ground

High above the roaring seas

A fellowship of warriors

Destiny is our dream

To arms one final ride

To death - there is no victory

Today we find our home

Beyond the sky, eternally

With tear welled eyes, they begin their march

No days after today

Tonight they drink and feast with those

Who had before, faded away

Shining sword and splintered shield

Broken mail and helmets gone

Those precious gifts, they are lost

They prepare to go where they belong

No screams echo when they fall and die

Only a silent final breath into the sky

They fall upon the barren earth

And there their nation will die

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