The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The 15th" by the artist "Wire"

The lyrics of the song "The 15th" by Wire are a metaphor for the creative process, where "she" symbolizes the song itself. The author describes the complex path of the birth of a work, from the first glimpses of an idea to the moment of its completion and release.

In the first lines, the author conveys a sense of predetermination, as if the song existed even before he started writing it ("Someone was looking after her / Even before she appeared"). The phrase "As if the response was based on reality" indicates that the inspiration came from real life, from lived experience.

Next comes the process of working on the song: "She prepared and made up her mind," "I put her in order" – the author chooses words, polishes the melody, brings the composition to perfection. But as soon as the song takes its final form ("looked at her"), it ceases to be only his – "and she's gone."

The following lines describe the "life" of the song after its release: "Revised, she struggled / As if she had something to live for." The song, presented to the public, begins to live its own life, being criticized ("revised"), but at the same time finding its listeners ("struggled… as if she had something to live for"). However, the author has no illusions – he knows that over time the song will be forgotten ("Rejected, she learned from it, / As if she was soon destroyed").

The repetition of the first verses reinforces the cyclical nature of the creative process – a new song, a new cycle. The final lines "Revised, it seemed to her / There was something to live for, / Destroyed, she was later based on fact" summarize: even though the song may be forgotten, it still leaves its mark on the world ("based on fact"), because it is based on real experiences and emotions.

Reviewed, it seemed

As if someone were watching over it

Before it was

As if response were based on fact

Providing, deciding, it was soon there

Squared to it, faced to it, it was not there

Renewed, it fought

As if it had a cause to live for

Denied, it learned

As if it had sooner been destroyed

Providing, deciding, it was soon there

Squared to it, faced to it, it was not there

Reviewed, it fought

As if someone were watching over it

Before it had sooner been denied

Renewed, it seemed

As if it had a cause to live for

Destroyed, it was later based on fact

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