The meaning of the lyrics of the song "I Found Her in the Bath" by the artist "Wise Children"

The poem "I Found Her in the Bath" by Wise Children uses metaphorical language to convey a profound sense of loss and helplessness.

The speaker finds his beloved in the bathtub in a state resembling death. Her paleness and stillness are compared to the transparency of water and the whiteness of a sleeping pill, creating images of fragility and oblivion. The speaker is torn between hope and despair, wondering, "Are you alive? Are you breathing?"

The closed doors and spinning room symbolize the trap he finds himself in, intensifying the feeling of claustrophobia and hopelessness. He cannot escape the situation and does not know how to help his beloved.

The imagery of persecution with torches, pitchforks, and paper machines indicates guilt and fear. The speaker feels like a victim of circumstance, trapped by his own mistakes. The paper weapons appear unreal, emphasizing the surreality of the events and the speaker's inability to resist what is happening.

The recurring lines "I washed her over and over / But it didn't make the picture less real" and "I bathed her again and again, layer by layer / But it didn't heal her" convey the futility of the speaker's efforts. He tries to cleanse his beloved, to bring her back to life, but his actions are useless. Soap in her capillaries and blood emphasizes the unnaturalness of the situation and the inevitability of a tragic outcome.

The poem "I Found Her in the Bath" is a poignant metaphor for grief, loss, and helplessness in the face of death.

I found her in the bath, sleep crawling all over her.

Lucid like the water she washed and drowned in.

And there should be colors like red and black at times like those,

But she was as white as a pill.

And are you alive? Are you alive?

All these doors are locked and we're inside.

If I could see

And if the room would stop moving,

I'd know what to do, I'd know what to do.

Chasing me with fire and pitchforks,

Paper machines and hang me harmed.

Chasing me with fire and pitchforks,

A paper-chain to hang me from.

I washed her down the plug hole,

But that made it no less real

I washed her again and again and layer after layer,

But still she wouldn't heal

Soap on capillaries, soap on bloodcells;

Slips and trembles,

And I'm holding onto the floor.

And are you alive? Are you alive?

All these doors are locked and we're inside.

If I could see

And if the room would stop moving

I'd know what to do, I'd know what to do.

Chasing me with fire and pitchforks

Paper machines and hang me harmed

Chasing me with fire and pitchforks

A paper-chain to hang me from

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