The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Gothic Foil" by the artist "WitchcrafT"

The meaning of the text "Gothic Foil" by WitchcrafT lies in conveying dark, gothic imagery and sensations associated with death, the transience of existence, and the inevitability of death.

The text can be interpreted as a reflection of the lyrical hero on the frailty of life against the backdrop of gloomy gothic scenery. "Cold earth", "dead silence", "bizarre gothic pattern" – all these images create an atmosphere of mystery, anxiety, and hopelessness.

The phrase "It's not hard to kill at all, it's not hard to die at all" emphasizes the fragility of human life and the ease with which it can be cut short. "The radiance of the blossoming night", which "will not hide you", can be interpreted as an illusion of safety and beauty, behind which lurks inevitable death.

The image of a multitude of ravens circling in the clouds enhances the ominous mood of the text. Their "sad cry" becomes a harbinger of death ("deadly and cruel wind").

In the final stanzas, the text reaches its climax: "foggy abyss", "hated and rejected", "death clock" - all these images symbolize the approach of death, from which there is no escape. "The bloody end is near", emphasizing the inevitability of the tragic ending.

The repetition of the phrase "It's not hard to kill at all, it's not hard to die at all" at the end of the text reinforces the feeling of hopelessness and doom.

In the deep and frozen soil,

In the dead of night,

Look at this strange gothic foil,

And seek safety in flight!

It's not hard to mortify,

It's not hard to die!

Noctiflorius light

Doesn't help to glide!

Crows, so many crows,

I see in the clouds!

Their damp scream

Said to me, that

The dead and cruel wind

was here!

In the abyss and fog,

Hatered and disgust,

Life as the hands

of the mortal clock

Comes to bloody end so fast!

It's not hard to mortify,

It's not hard to die!

Noctiflorius light

Doesn't help to glide!

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