The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Candles" by the artist "Within Temptation"
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The song "Caged" by Within Temptation explores the pain and despair experienced by the lyrical heroine after being betrayed by her lover. The lyrics paint a picture of a deep emotional prison in which she finds herself trapped
This song tells the story of lost innocence and the pain of betrayal."Blue eyes smiling at the world" represents youth, purity, and hope
The lyrics of the song "Bittersweet" by Within Temptation tell a story of bittersweet pain of loss and hope for reunion. The lyrical heroine addresses her departed beloved, expressing regret and longing
The song "Are You the One?" by Within Temptation portrays the lyrical heroine's yearning for true, all-encompassing love. The lyrics are filled with metaphors and imagery, conveying a passionate desire to find a soulmate
In Within Temptation's song "Another Day," the lyrical heroine experiences the painful departure of her beloved. She acknowledges the inevitability of the separation ("I know you're leaving") but her feelings are still too strong to let him go completely
The song "Aquarius" by Within Temptation portrays the lyrical heroine experiencing a passionate and all-consuming romance with a mysterious force she calls Aquarius. This name refers to the zodiac sign known for its independence, passion, and unpredictability