The meaning of the lyrics of the song "World of Make Believe" by the artist "Within Temptation"

The lyrics of "World of Make Believe" by Within Temptation describe a powerful and beautiful queen who rules a world of her own dreams and fantasies. Her world is full of magic and wonder: flying dragons, enchanted forests, unicorns, and fireflies - all subject to her will.

The lyrics are abundant with imagery that emphasizes her grandeur and beauty. She soars "on golden wings," her gown adorned with "countless white diamonds," and precious stones glitter in her hair. She is surrounded by an abundance of "fruits and flowers," blue and silver, changing at her whim.

The queen doesn't just observe her world, she creates it. "She decides, she creates - it's her reality," sings Sharon den Adel. In her world of dreams and fantasies, she possesses absolute power, and everything happens according to her will.

The second part of the song describes the queen's journey in search of a "legendary amulet." Guided by fireflies, she finds a "secret place" - a large oak tree with a door that leads to a "magical shore."

The image of a magical world created in the song symbolizes the power of imagination and the boundless nature of human fantasy. The queen, who rules this world, embodies the idea that in our dreams, we can be anyone and do anything we want.

On golden wings

She flies at night

With her dress

It's blinding white

Countless diamonds

And her long blond hair

The queen is coming

So you better be aware

Her plums and flowers

They're never the same

Blue and silver

It's all her game

Flying dragons

And enchanted woods

She decides, she creates

It's her reality

In her world of dreams and make believe

She reigns forever

With all her glory

Unicorns appear in her sight

The fireflies lead her trough these woods at night

In search of the legendary amulet

And it's secret

In the big oak there is a door

Which will lead her

To the wizard shore

And she'll ask him

For the wind to sail her home

To the world where she belongs

In her world of dreams and make believe

She reigns forever

With all her glory

In this world of endless fantasy

She makes it happen

It's her reality

In her world of dreams and make believe

She reigns forever

With all her glory

In this world of endless fantasy

She makes it happen

It's her reality

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