The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Flames of Discontent" by the artist "Wolf Down"

"Flames of Discontent" by the German hardcore punk band Wolf Down is a furious protest against social injustice, police brutality, and oppression. The lyrics paint a bleak picture of a society rife with inequality, where people blindly submit to a system built on fear and control.

The lyrical protagonist refuses to accept this reality. He sees injustice "on every corner" and condemns those who "submissively and blindly" accept it. The constant surveillance of the "long arm of the law" only intensifies the feeling of anger and resistance.

The song calls for struggle, for unity against the oppressors. "Black and red" is a reference to the colours of anarchism and communism, symbolizing the struggle for social justice and liberation. Disobedience to the system, solidarity and direct action are the weapons of the oppressed.

The song is imbued with the spirit of revolutionary romanticism. It expresses the belief that the people, having realized their power, are capable of destroying the unjust system and building a new, better world. The "flames of discontent" are a metaphor for the growing popular anger that will ultimately sweep away all obstacles on the path to freedom.

Injustice lies behind every corner

Unquestioning fools choose to bow their heads

Living with mindcuffs

Submissive and blind

No distrust in power

Kickin' down and kissin' up

The arm of the law — always on my back

Always got their watchful eyes following my tracks

This gap between us, the bridges have been burnt

Keep cracking the whip, get my scorn in return

No justice no peace

No more servants of a system

Based on inequality

Time to fight back

United — black and red

Defiance is the key

To a world more just

Based on solidarity

Time to strike back

United — black and red

Protecting the system

Defending the powerful

A badge and a gun — no more than violent thugs

Comrades rot in the prisons

Leftist circles under siege

Each one complicit

Unchecked violence in the streets

We'll make no peace

No retreat

Neither slaves nor masters don't expect no retreat

Not a single step

You fan the flames of our discontent

Our burning love for freedom

Is turning into fierce contempt

No justice no peace

No more servants of a system,

Based on inequality

Time to fight back

United — black and red

Defiance is the key

To a world more just,

Based on solidarity

Time to strike back

United — black and red

When will we see and learn that the power is in our hands

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