The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Breakwater" by the artist "Wolfheart"

In the song "Breakwater" by the Finnish band Wolfheart, the lyrical hero compares himself to an unyielding breakwater, standing strong against raging waves.

The lyrics are filled with imagery of strength, resilience, and steadfastness. The spine, likened to an "eternal construction" of steel and stone, symbolizes the inner core, the foundation of the hero's personality. He is a "flawless creation of nature," capable of "withstanding violence" and remaining "unbreakable within."

The imagery of the cold northern waters and the waves crashing against the shore symbolizes life's adversities, trials, and blows of fate. The hero, like a breakwater, takes the brunt of the impact, remaining unscathed. He is like "armor forged a thousand times," his "iron will not bend," speaking of his unyielding will and fortitude.

The comparison to a cornerstone emphasizes the fundamental and unshakable nature of his position. He is an "eternal construction," an embodiment of "unshakable strength."

At the center of the storm, where external forces rage, the hero finds "complete silence." The roar of the storm does not frighten him; on the contrary, it "takes shape," becoming understandable and predictable.

The final lines are a call to action addressed to himself. Despite the difficulties ("the first drops of rain" and "the returning winds"), the hero does not give up but "accumulates strength." His motto – "destroy or die" – speaks of his determination to fight to the end, to win or perish in the struggle.

Spine forged from a steel

Perpetual construction

Shatterproof backbone

Foundation built from stone

Nature's flawless creation

Superior structure

To withstand all the force

Unbreakable core

Cold waters of the north

Crush your waves into the shore

Breakwater stands against the force

Crush your waves into the shore

Like an armor

Hammered thousand times

Iron that will not bend

Is the strength of my flesh

Like a bedrock I stand

Majestic and grand

Perpetual construction

Unwavering power

Cold waters of the north

Crush your waves into the shore

Breakwater stands against the force

Crush your waves into the shore

In the eye of the storm

The profound silence

Thunder is taking its form

When the first raindrop falls

And winds return

Hold your ground and

Gather your strength

Annihilate or fall

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