The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Come Out Ye Black And Tans" by the artist "Wolfe Tones, The"

The song "Come Out Ye Black and Tans" by The Wolfe Tones is a scathing and accusatory ballad aimed at the British "Black and Tans" - paramilitary forces operating in Ireland in the early 20th century. The lyrics, written from the perspective of an Irishman, mock the Black and Tans' boasts about their supposed bravery and ruthlessness, contrasting them with the reality of their cowardice and crimes against the Irish people.

The opening verses sarcastically call on a Black and Tan to brag to his wife about his "exploits": a medal for Flanders (a symbol of participation in the war against the Germans, whom the Irish did not consider enemies), fleeing from the IRA, and killing unarmed Arabs and "Zulus". These lines highlight the hypocrisy and brutality of British imperialism, which sent its soldiers to fight against the Irish, Arabs, and Africans, portraying these peoples as savages and a threat to civilization.

The author then asks a series of rhetorical questions about the repression of Irish patriots, such as Charles Parnell and the participants in the Easter Rising. He accuses the Black and Tans of cowardice, cruelty, and mockery of the defenseless. The repeating refrain "Come out ye Black and Tans, come out and fight me like a man" sounds like a mocking taunt, exposing the true face of British colonialism.

I was born on a Dublin street

Where the Royal drums do beat

And the loving English feet they walked all over us

And every single night

When me Da would come home tight

He'd invite the neighbors out with this chorus:

Come out ye black and tans,

Come out and fight me like a man

Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders

Tell her how the IRA

Made you run like hell away,

From the green and lovely lanes of Killeshandra.

Come tell us how you slew

Those old arabs two by two

Like the zulu's they had spears and bow and arrows

How bravely you faced one

With your sixteen pounder gun

And you frightened them damn natives to the marrow

Come out ye black and tans,

Come out and fight me like a man

Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders

Tell her how the IRA

Made you run like hell away,

From the green and lovely lanes of Killeshandra.

Come let us hear you tell

How you slandered great Parnell

When you thought him well and truly persecuted

Where are the sneers and jeers

That you loudly let us hear

When our leaders of sixteen were executed

Come out ye black and tans,

Come out and fight me like a man

Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders

Tell her how the IRA

Made you run like hell away,

From the green and lovely lanes of Killeshandra.

Come out ye black and tans,

Come out and fight me like a man

Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders

Tell her how the IRA

Made you run like hell away,

From the green and lovely lanes of Killeshandra.

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