The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Julia Take Your Man Home" by the artist "Wolf Parade"

In Wolf Parade's "Julia Take Your Man Home", the narrator pleads with a woman named Julia to take her man home. The man's behavior is depicted as increasingly erratic and disturbing: he carves members onto the bar with a pocketknife, runs through the streets with a cigarette he calls a rose, and rambles incoherently about New Jersey, cocaine, and a "man made of glass."

The repeated phrase "Julia, take your man home" underscores the narrator's desperation, as if they're at a loss for how else to handle the situation. They even suggest Julia put the man "on a bed of nails," hoping it will somehow bring him to his senses and make him apologize for his behavior.

The image of a "bed of nails" can be interpreted as a metaphor for the harsh realities and consequences awaiting the man if he doesn't change his ways. The line "a lonely man's heartbeat gets quieter and quieter" hints at an inner emptiness and despair that he tries to drown out with self-destructive behavior.

In the end, the narrator advises Julia not to buy into empty promises or wait for a miracle: "It wouldn't be fair to you to say he loves you / And it wouldn't be fair to say you need him too." Thus, the song not only paints a portrait of a lost and destructive individual but also serves as a cautionary tale about self-deception and the dangers of clinging to unhealthy relationships.

Julia, take your man home

He's just sitting at the bar

Carving shapes that look like dicks into the wood

Julia, take your man home

He keeps running in and out of the street

With a weed between his teeth he calls a rose

Julia, take your man home

He keeps talking about New Jersey and cocaine

And some person he keeps saying is made of glass

Julia, take your man home

Lay him down on a bed of thorns

And I've got a feeling he'll say, "Sorry"

Come tomorrow morning

And when he wakes in a bed of thorns

I've got a feeling he'll say, "Sorry"

Just wait for tomorrow morning

When I asked him if he needed to go home

He said, "The beating heart of a lonely man is

Nothing but an unheard decrescendo"

Julia, take your man home

He keeps filling up the room with smoke

And then claiming that it's just his ghost

Said, Julia, take your man home

Lay him down on a bed of thorns

And I've got a feeling he'll say, "Sorry"

Come tomorrow morning

And when he wakes in a bed of thorns

I've got a feeling he'll say, "Sorry"

Just wait for tomorrow morning

And you can tell him for yourself that you ain't gonna pluck

No rose petals out of his teeth for him

To say that he loves you would be unfair towards you, and

To say that he needs you would be unfair towards you too

To say that he loves you would be unfair towards you, and

To say that he needs you would be unfair towards you too

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