The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Stone Cold" by the artist "Wolf Down"

This text from the song "Stone Cold" by Wolf Down expresses the lyrical hero's deep disappointment and despair with people and the world around him.

The repeated question about the meaning of life indicates that the hero is in an existential crisis, trying to find his place and purpose in a world that causes him pain. Numerous wounds inflicted by other people have led him to the conclusion that participation in interpersonal relationships brings only suffering. The image of "twisting the knife" emphasizes the sadistic pleasure that the hero believes people get from hurting him.

As a result, the hero adopts the philosophy of the "wolf law of survival", which dictates that he become "stone cold" and "icy hearted". This is a defense mechanism that allows him to survive in a world full of hypocrisy and indifference. He is tired of the "faceless images" and "fake smiles" that surround him, seeing in them only emptiness and falsehood.

The recurring lines "Slow death is chasing me, darkness is all I see" convey the hopelessness and despair that consume the hero. He feels life slowly fading away and the world around him plunging into darkness.

Thus, the lyrics of the song "Stone Cold" paint a bleak picture of an existential crisis caused by disappointment in people and a loss of faith in the meaning of existence.

How many times did I ask myself for the sense of life

Too often I was hurt and came to realize

That people step into my life to twist the knife

It's dog eat dog — souls of stone, hearts of ice

I'm fed up with seeing faceless faces day by day

Wearing faked smiles with no shine in the eyes

I'm growing cold

How many times did I ask myself for the sense of life

Too often I was hurt and came to realize

That people step into my life to twist the knife

It's dog eat dog — souls of stone, hearts of ice

I'm fed up with seeing faceless faces day by day

Wearing faked smiles with no shine in the eyes


The creeping death is haunting me

Darkness is all I see


I'm fed up with seeing faceless faces day by day

Wearing faked smiles with no shine in the eyes

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