The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Loving Embrace" by the artist "Wolf Down"

The lyrics of the song "Loving Embrace" by the German hardcore punk band Wolf Down tell a story about loyalty to ideals, strength of spirit, and the bitterness of betrayal by a former comrade.

The opening lines see the author reminiscing about a rebellious youth, a time when he and his friends, united by common goals, fought for their beliefs ("clenched fists", "fighting on summer streets", "break free from the shackles"). "Allies striking" is a metaphor that describes their unity and determination in the fight against injustice.

Further, speaking of the past years ("time flies"), the author notes that he has remained true to his former ideals, while his friend has changed, abandoning the fight ("you didn't want to fight"). The phrase "youth rebellion" takes on a sarcastic connotation, implying that for the former comrade it was only a temporary whim, while for the lyrical hero it is an integral part of his personality.

The metaphors "dagger," "poison," "contradiction" characterize the hero's inner world – his intransigence, uncompromising nature, and willingness to fight. "Loving embrace" is a symbol of solidarity and support addressed to all who share his convictions.

The final lines of the song are a call for unity and resistance, addressed to like-minded people ("Back to back", "Hands up, fists clenched"). "Rebellion, uprising, resistance!" is a slogan that expresses the indomitability of the spirit and the willingness to fight for one's ideals to the end.

There was a time we made 5 fingers to a fist

Friends who tried to change dark days for the better

We used to spend nights of war on the summer streets

Allies who made a stab to break away from the fetter

Allies who made a stab to break away from the fetter

Time flies! you're all grown up — I'm vehement

Still can't believe you didn't mean to fight those fights

You changed — as if all was youth rebellion

I'll stay a kid — even if I walk alone through these nights

I'm a dagger

I'm poison

I'm variance

I'm a loving embrace

For those who fight back and stand against

For those who stray from the path

For those who feel the fire

And carry the new world in their hearts

Back to back

Reached hands, clenched fists

We stick together

Revolt, rebel, resist!

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