The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Incite & Conspire" by the artist "Wolf Down"

The song "Incite & Conspire" by the German hardcore punk band Wolf Down is a call to revolution, a fight against a system of oppression and injustice. The lyrics are filled with revolutionary fervor and encourage active resistance.

Main ideas of the lyrics:

Awakening of consciousness: The lyrical hero calls on listeners to open their eyes to the "symbols of the secret world", meaning the hidden mechanisms of power and control that govern their lives. He believes in the power of collective consciousness, capable of breaking the shackles of the system ("carry the light across the borders in our minds and hearts").

Rejection of authority: The band proclaims a refusal to submit to any form of authority, be it laws or power structures. "Absolute negation" becomes a key principle driving the force of resistance.

Thirst for liberation: The text is imbued with a thirst for freedom and independence. The "demand for liberation" sounds like the main slogan uniting the rebels.

Readiness to fight: The group is willing to make sacrifices ("lying in the gutter") in order to achieve its goal - building a new, just world. They are not afraid to confront "gods" and "tyrants", challenging the system.

Belief in change: Despite the difficulties and dangers, the heroes of the song retain their belief in the possibility of change. They see "stars" - a symbol of hope - and carry in their hearts the image of a better future.

Call to action: The final lines are a call for unity and action. "Enraged hearts" beat in unison, fanning the flames of rebellion. "The anthem of those born with raised fists" is a hymn of defiance and struggle for their rights.

"Incite & Conspire" is not just a song, it is a revolutionary manifesto, a call to awakening and a fight for freedom. Wolf Down use the powerful energy of music to convey their idea - the idea of rebellion against injustice - to the listener.

Have you seen the signs

Of the secret world within this one

Let's carry the sparks

Across the borders in our heads and hearts

No law to rule

No force to subdue

Our spirit of complete negation

No law to rule

No force to subdue

Our demand for liberation

Banners raised as black as the night

No longer bent down, we came to daggers with life

Defiance of the untamed few

With passion and courage and dreams to pursue

We're lying in the gutter

But some of us are facing the stars

Still we carry the new world

Here in our hearts

At daggers drawn with all gods

At daggers drawn with all tyrants

War on authority

Reborn through insurgency

War on authority

Reborn through insurgency

Reborn through insurgency

Oppressor, our pack has traced your scent

Retribution for your deeds our only intent

Forged bonds of resistance across the earth

You can't crush the movement's oncoming rebirth

We're lying in the gutter

But some of us are facing the stars

Still we carry the new world

Here in our burning hearts

War on authority

Reborn through insurgency

This is the sound of raging hearts beating as one

Our burning matches will incite a firestorm

This is the anthem of those born with raised fists

We are the conspiracy of arsonists

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