The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Protect/Preserve" by the artist "Wolf Down"

The song "Protect/Preserve" by the German hardcore punk band Wolf Down is a passionate condemnation of environmental destruction and a call to action for its protection. The lyrics paint a bleak picture of a world where corporate greed and indifference to nature are leading to ecological catastrophe.

The authors do not mince words, calling corporations "greedy and lying" and their actions a "crime" hidden behind a deceptive facade. What is happening is compared to "decay" that is becoming the norm, and people's inaction is compared to wearing a blindfold.

However, the song is not only a critique but also a call to action. The "eco-front" referred to in the lyrics is a metaphor for the struggle to preserve nature. Wolf Down call for a move from words to deeds, stressing that they are "the last defenders of this earth" and that they have to "protect and preserve" nature for future generations.

The image of cutting branches and destroying the root of evil is an allegory for fighting the causes, not the consequences, of the environmental crisis. Wolf Down believe that it is necessary to fight the system that puts profit above the well-being of the planet and future generations.

For nature's destruction we'll find retribution

Eco-defence, the only solution

Interests are profit-driven

Beating nature into submission

Greedy, lying corporations

Building empires of abnegation

Accepting decay as a consequence

Is what appears to be common sense

Ruthless criminals

Hiding in disguise

Pretend to be upright to those

With blindfolded eyes

How long are you willing

To watch its demise

Until words become actions

The eco-front shall rise

We have to protect

We are the last ones who bite back

We have to preserve

We are the last defenders of this earth (earth)

Look around and see how far it has gone

Target to perpetrators, stop the abuse

There are thousands hacking at the branches of evil

To one who is striking the root

Who is striking the root

We have to protect

We have to preserve

We have to protect

For the sake of this earth

And generations to come

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