The meaning of the lyrics of the song "I'll Believe in Anything" by the artist "Wolf Parade"

Wolf Parade's "I'll Believe in Anything" depicts a speaker consumed by a desperate longing for connection and devotion, bordering on self-annihilation. He asks the object of his affection for their "eyes," "sunlight," "blood," "bones," "voice," and "ghost" - metaphors for a desire to completely share in their life and essence.

The speaker sees himself and his beloved as kindred spirits, "both been brave," battling life's hardships and "pulling aces from our sleeves." This belief in their connection is so strong that he's willing to "believe in anything" just to be with this person.

The imagery of "pulling fire from wires" and "pulling fire from water" symbolizes the speaker's willingness to overcome any obstacle for love. He yearns to take his beloved "where nobody knows you," offering an escape from the world and the creation of their own reality.

The song takes a darker turn in the latter half. The speaker's willingness to sacrifice himself extends to wanting to "take" from his beloved: their "wheels," "salt from your eyes," "rage," "shaking knees." The repetition of needing their "eyes" and "sunlight" at the end feels more demanding than pleading. The final line, "And now I'll believe in anything," takes on an ominous tone, hinting that the speaker's belief may be dangerous and destructive.

Give me your eyes

I need sunshine

Give me your eyes

I need sunshine

Your blood

Your bones

Your voice

And your ghost

We've both been very brave

Walk around with both legs

Fight the scary day

We both pull the tricks out of our sleeves

But I'll believe in anything

And you'll believe in anything

Said I'll believe in anything

And you'll believe in anything

If I could take the fire out from the wire

I'd share a life and you'd share a life

If I could take the fire out from the wire

I'd share a life and you'd share a life

If I could take the fire out from the water

I'd take you where nobody knows you

And nobody gives a damn

Said nobody knows you

And nobody gives a damn

And I could take another hit for you

And I could take away your trips from you

And I could take away the salt from your eyes

And take away the spitting salt in you

And I could give you my apologies

By handing over my neologies

And I could take away the shaking knees

And I could give you all the olive trees

Oh look at the trees and look at my face and look at a place far away from here

Give me your eyes

I need sunshine

Give me your eyes

I need sunshine

Your blood

Your bones

Your voice

And your ghost

We've both been very brave

Walk around with both legs

Fight the scary day

We both pull the tricks out of our sleeves

But I'll believe in anything

And you'll believe in anything

If I could take the fire out from the wire

I'd share a life and you'd share a life

If I could take the fire out from the wire

I'd share a life and you'd share a life

If I could take the fire out from the water

I'd take you where nobody knows you

And nobody gives a damn

I said nobody knows you

And nobody gives a damn

I said nobody knows you

And nobody gives a damn either way

About your blood

Your bones

Your voice

And ghost

Because nobody knows you

And nobody gives a damn either way

And now I'll believe in anything

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