The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Torch of Reason" by the artist "Wolf Down"

The lyrics of the song "Torch of Reason" by Wolf Down express a radical stance in defense of animal rights and call for an active fight against the exploitation and killing of animals.

Main ideas of the text:

The need for active struggle: The authors urge not to be passive observers of injustice ("We will no longer sit and watch the oppression of the weak"). They believe that the time has come to act decisively and uncompromisingly ("It is time to take off the black masks and break the glass in the dead of night").

Retribution and punishment: The text contains a motif of retribution for the suffering and death of animals ("For this deal with death, retribution is near"). Those guilty of exploitation must be punished and shamed ("We turn the guilty into shameful flight").

Veganism as a way: The authors see veganism as the only true path to animal liberation and the building of a just world ("Liberation of the enslaved, vegan revolution is the way forward").

Exposing hypocrisy: The text criticizes the hypocrisy of a society that turns a blind eye to animal suffering ("No more apologies, eyes are open - we have seen the truth. Under their feet is a sea of blood").

A call to unite: The authors call on like-minded people to join the fight and achieve absolute freedom for all living beings ("Look at our growing resistance, destroying your beliefs. A new world will be reborn, if we raise our voice in defense of the lives of sentient beings").

The lyrics of the song are filled with anger, pain and determination to fight for animal rights. It does not call for peaceful dialogue, but rather for revolutionary actions aimed at destroying the existing system of animal exploitation.

Taking the fight to a whole new level

Justice enforced for those without a voice

No longer will we sit and

Watch the weak suppressed

It's time for change

Black masks and shattered glass

In the dead of the night

For this business of death

Retribution is near

We're sending the guilty running in fear

Liberation of the enslaved

Vegan revolution — a way will be paved

Every heart deserves a beat, filled with life

No more apologies

Eyes open, we all have seen the truth

Seas of blood below their feet

Stench of death

From stacks of rotting flesh

Countless lives reduced to commodities

We will be heard

No compromise

Watch our resistance rise

Crushing your beliefs

A new world will rise

If we raise our voice

In defense of all sentient life

No negotiation

Uncompromised devotion

For total liberation

A torch of reason

Out of the cages and into our safe hands

Crashing the hammer allover their labs

What goes around comes back around

Another business of death

Tonight will burn to the ground

Liberation of the enslaved

Vegan revolution — a way will be paved

Choose your side


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