The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Fortress" by the artist "Wolf Down"

The song "The Fortress" by German hardcore punk band Wolf Down is a powerful statement against war, violence and oppression, and about the struggle for survival and hope for a better future.

The lyrics paint a bleak picture of a world ravaged by war, where the protagonists are forced to flee their homes, victims of violence and persecution by the group ISIS. "Drops of blood at the foundation of what we called home" and "the horrors of war have turned our hearts to stone" – these lines convey all the pain and loss experienced by people who have lost their homes and loved ones.

The "fortress" in the song is a metaphor that can be interpreted in different ways. On the one hand, it is a physical refuge that protects from external threats, but on the other hand, it is a symbol of isolation, suffering and hopelessness, where "the dead clutter the walls." The image of the "crowded ship" and the "borders of the unknown" reflects a desperate desire to find a safe place and start a new life.

Despite all the difficulties, the heroes of the song do not lose hope. They are ready to fight for their future, "selling their souls for a new beginning" and believing that "they will not break our hope, will and endurance." The final lines are a call to destroy the old world, full of violence and hatred, and create a new, better world. "Walls in our minds" are barriers of fear and despair that must be overcome in order to sow the "seeds of a new world to come."

Blooddrips in the sand of a place we called home

The horrors of war turned our hearts to stone

Left everything we ever held dear

On a merciless path towards unknown frontiers

The daesh hordes left nothing but destruction

Cold-blooded cutthroats bear no empathy

For endless miles we dragged our weary bodies

Just to find a place filled with people full of hate

Just to find a place filled with people full of hate

Fortress choking on abundance

Shutting out the misery

The dead piling up at the walls

A reminder of inhumanity

The border guards welcomed us at gunpoint

Cold-blooded gatekeepers bear no empathy

Through troubled seas we sailed our crowded ship

Sold our lives for a new beginning

Our hope, our will, our endurance they can't break

They will never understand it's our lives that are at stake

Fortress choking on abundance

Shutting out the misery

The dead piling up at the walls

A reminder of inhumanity

Burn all papers — burn all flags

Tear down all the bordes

For this world to see better times

The walls are in our minds

We are the seeds of a new world to come.

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