The meaning of the lyrics of the song "You Are a Runner And I Am My Father’s Son" by the artist "Wolf Parade"

The lyrics of "You Are a Runner And I Am My Father's Son" by the Canadian band Wolf Parade are full of тревожных образов and a sense of impending danger. The lyrical hero is in a state of deep existential uncertainty, struggling with the burden of legacy, his place in the world, and the haunting figure of his father.

Key Images and Motifs:

Number on the chest: Symbolizes a mark, a mark that predetermines fate. Perhaps this is an indication of participation in some kind of game or competition with unclear rules. The lyrical hero feels trapped, unable to break free from a predetermined path.

The heat of the midday sun: Creates an atmosphere of suffocation, unbearable tension, inevitable punishment. The hero cannot bear this light, it hurts him, as if exposing his vulnerability.

"I am my father's son": This recurring phrase is not just a statement of fact, but a mantra that expresses complex, conflicting feelings. It hears both pride and burden, and an attempt to define oneself through the figure of the father, and the desire to break free from his influence.

Father's empty bed: Enhances the hero's sense of loneliness and abandonment. The father, a significant yet absent figure, becomes a symbol of loss and finding one's own way.

Hero and failure: The sharp contrast between morning hope and night despair underscores the instability of the hero's inner state. He rushes between extremes, finding no support or self-confidence.

Home inside and three figures: The image of a house that a hero builds inside someone (perhaps inside the listener) conveys a desire to find shelter, closeness, understanding. The three figures on the heart are the stages of his own life: childhood, present and future, which he observes from the outside.

Running under the scorching sun: A symbol of a desperate escape from something inevitable. The "stolen voice" reinforces the feeling of helplessness and deprives the runner of his own voice, identity.


The text can be interpreted as a metaphorical description of internal conflict, struggle with one's own demons and the pressure of the past. The lyrical hero, locked in the shadow of his father, tries to find his own voice, his place in the world, but feels doomed, pursued by forces that he cannot control. The image of a running man may symbolize the listener whom the hero is trying to warn about the impending danger or involve in his own race for survival.

I got a number on me, I got a number

Won't make it through the high noon sun

I am my father's son

I am my father's son

His bed is made

I was a hero early in the morning

I ain't no hero in the night

I am my father's son

And I'll build a house inside of you

I'll go in through the mouth

I'll draw three figures on your heart

One of them will be me as a boy

One of them will be me

One of them will be me watching you run

Watching you run into the high noon sun

Watching you run farther than guns will go

You are a runner with a stolen voice

And you are a runner and I am my father's son

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