The meaning of the lyrics of the song "I" by the artist "Wolfheart"

The lyrics of the song "I" by the Finnish metal band Wolfheart are full of dark poetry and metaphors. Despite its brevity, it leaves room for interpretation, and there is no single answer to the question of its meaning.

You are right, the first line may be related to the geological phenomenon of island arcs and oceanic trenches. This connection emphasizes the depth and power of the image of the "arc of the deepest oceans."

However, the text is not limited to a literal description of nature. Rather, it uses images of the abyss, the blade, the storm, and darkness to create an image of the lyrical hero. This hero is contradictory: he protects both life and death, he is a defender and at the same time - a source of pain ("a thorn in my flesh"). He is a part of grandiose cosmic processes ("the storm of ages," "the torn heavens"), but at the same time he is attracted by "the darkest abyss."

Perhaps the "abyss" symbolizes something unknown and frightening that simultaneously attracts and terrifies the lyrical hero. It could be the abyss of despair, the abyss of self-discovery, or even the abyss of life and death itself.

Overall, the lyrics of the song "I" are a metaphorical statement about the complexity of being, the struggle of opposites within a person and in the outside world, and the grandeur and terror of the world, which simultaneously attracts and repels.

I know the deepest oceans arc

Darkest abyss where to pull me under

I'm the guardian of life, defender of death

Keeper of the eternal slumber

Abyss where to pull me under

I am the blade, thorn in my flesh

Cut between the bones, where the pain is grander

I am the storm of ages, I am the skies torn asunder

I am the darkness grandeur

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