The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Übers Jahr" by the artist "Wolfsheim"

The poem "Übers Jahr" ("Over the Year") by the German band Wolfsheim paints a cyclical picture of the changing seasons, using contrasting images of winter and summer.

The text begins with a description of a frosty winter night. Footprints in the snow, moonlight, and "glassy silence" create an atmosphere of loneliness and coldness. The lyrical hero is awake in this deep night, perhaps tormented by insomnia or anxious thoughts. The "sleepy, poor desire" that breaks the silence can be interpreted as a glimmer of hope or a desire for change.

Dawn arrives with the dissipating fog, bringing with it the bright colors of summer. "Dark green meadows" and "shady cool forests" come alive under the sun's rays. Ripe ears of grain dancing in the wind symbolize fertility and abundance.

However, summer, like winter, is not eternal. A "cloudy breeze" heralds the onset of twilight. The fog rises again, enveloping the world, and night falls.

In the final stanzas of the poem, we see familiar images of a winter night: footprints in the snow, a lonely moon. The circle is complete. Winter has returned, bringing with it silence, peace, and "almighty sleep". Life freezes in anticipation of a new day, a new cycle.

Wolfsheim's poem is not just a description of natural phenomena. It is a metaphor for a person's life journey, full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, periods of activity and calm. Like nature, a person goes through different phases in order to eventually find peace and prepare for a new cycle.

Spuren im Schnee führen an dir vorüber

Frostklare Winde im Mondenschein

Endlose Stunden voll glasernem Schweigen

Wachst du beharrlich in tiefer Nacht

Bricht dann die Stille

Zerfliebt ein verschlafenes, karges Verlangen

Leise verweht sich der Nebel

Endlich voller Licht die Welt

Tiefgrune Wiesen, schattenkuhle Walder

Bluhen in der Gunst des Sonnenspiels

Reifende Ahren in wiegendem Tanze

Flüstern ihre Weisen dem Winde zu

Bricht dann die Stille

Neuerlich hernieder, mit diesigem Hauche

Leise erhebt sich der Nebel

Schlieblich tritt die Nacht in die Welt

Wieder sind da Spuren

Im Schnee bei den Baumen

Der Mond steht alleine

In kalter Nacht

Es ist eine Stille

Ganz tiefe Ruhe

Allmächtiges Schlafen

Leise verliert sich das Leben

Wartet auf den neuen Tag

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