The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Cyber Girl" by the artist "Xe-None"

The lyrics of the song "Cyber Girl" by Xe-None tell the story of a girl who searches for herself in the virtual world, hiding behind the image of a "Cyber Girl."

From the first lines, the author encourages the heroine to hide her true essence behind an online profile, where "in the digital depths" there will be no trace of her real personality. "Cyber space" becomes a refuge for her, where she can create an ideal image unattainable in reality.

The image of the "Cyber Girl" is ambivalent. On the one hand, she is attractive and desirable: "hot, in black and acid", "sexy", "synthetic queen." She bathes in attention, but behind this facade lies loneliness and emptiness.

Despite the seeming emancipation ("you are so exposed, you are almost naked"), the heroine remains misunderstood and unattainable. No one sees her true self, hidden behind the mask of the "Cyber Girl." She is locked in the cage of her own image, doomed to eternal loneliness: "forever alone."

Dancing until dawn, the artificial light of clubs, the latex outfit - all this is just an attempt to fill the inner void, to escape from a reality that frightens with its ordinariness and lack of bright colours. The heroine runs from herself, from real feelings, hiding behind a mask of carelessness and sexuality.

"Cyber Girl" is a reflection of the realities of modern society, where the virtual world increasingly replaces reality, and people hide behind false images, afraid to show their true essence.

Hide yourself behind profile

In the place for friends

There is new lifestyle

In the digital deep there is no trace

Another Cybergirl in the cyber space

Swim, baby, swim!

What do you seek

Behind the screen?

In these Illusions of Life,

In these Illusions of Feel!

You are so disclosed,

You are so nude,

But no one knows the real you?

Let's dive ‘till the Morning comes -

Lonely, lonely Cybergirl!

Lonely Cyber Girl -

Lonely Sexy Lady.

Slide into the night

Dancing sugar baby!

Lonely Cyber Girl -

Acid Black Glow

Always with someone, but

Forever alone!

Forever alone!

Hide your face behind make-up,

Get on your latex dress

and hit the Club.

You are so sexy

with all your delight,

Synthetic Queen

Of synthetic Night.

Go, baby, go

Shake-shake on the floor,

Green light inside,

Green light for all.

You're so Unreal

From Head to toe,

But no one sees the real you.

Let's dance 'till the Morning comes -

Lonely, lonely Cybergirl!

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