The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Un Error" by the artist "Ximena Sarinana"

In the song "Un Error" ("A Mistake"), Mexican singer Ximena Sariñana describes the experiences of a person who made a mistake in a relationship and is trying to avoid taking the blame for what happened.

The lyrical heroine begins with an apology, acknowledging that something irreparable has happened between her and her lover. She calls it a "mistake" made "with good intentions," attempting to justify her actions but not denying her responsibility for the breakup. She anticipates hatred from her ex-partner and accepts that he will find someone else and forget her.

Despite the apologies and admission of error, the main idea of the song is the denial of guilt. The phrase "Everything goes wrong, but I won't think it's all my fault," repeated throughout the song, is a mantra of selfishness and self-deception. The heroine clings to it, refusing to accept her role in the destruction of the relationship.

At the same time, the heroine acknowledges her impulsiveness and irresponsibility in love. The phrase "I fell in love with you without thinking that I could be wrong" suggests that she was not ready for the consequences of her feelings. The comparison with taking off and falling emphasizes the transience and doom of her love.

At the end of the song, the heroine projects her experience onto her former lover, predicting that one day he will be in her shoes and understand how difficult it is to forgive. She wishes for him to experience the same suffering to justify her own behavior.

Overall, "Un Error" is a song about immature love, selfishness, and the inability to take responsibility for one's actions.


Nadie sabe porqué

Pasó los que pasó

Entre tú y yo.

Todo fue un error

No fue mala intención

Me odiarás

Hasta el final.

Las cosas salen mal

Y no voy a pensar

Que todo es culpa mía.


A alguien más

Mañana dejarás

Lo nuestro atrás.

Las cosas salen mal

Y no voy a pensar

Que todo es culpa mía.

Te quise hasta pensar

Que iba a estallar

Salté y caí mal.

Sé que un día estarás en mi lugar

y entenderás que es difícil perdonarse.

Sentirás y sufrirás cuando descubras

que no es normal saberse y controlarse.

Las cosas salen mal

Y no voy a pensar

Que todo es culpa mía.

Te quise hasta pensar

Que iba a estallar

Salté y caí

Salté y me fui

Salté y caímos mal.

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