The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Börübay" by the artist "Ya#351;ru"

The poem "Börübay" by Ya#351;ru celebrates the heroic spirit, an unbreakable bond with the native land, and the belief in the immortality of glory.

The lyrical hero, whose name gives the title to the poem, appears before us as a warrior, ready to defend his homeland. The description of nature ("morning rain", "smell of the earth", "breath of the forest") not only creates a background but also emphasizes the hero's deep connection with his native land, which is a source of strength and inspiration for him.

The image of the "nine-headed sign of power", referring to ancient Turkic mythology, emphasizes the historical continuity of generations and the hero's desire to see his homeland strong and prosperous.

Börübay is not afraid of death; he accepts it as an inevitable part of the life cycle, likening himself to a leaf carried away by the will of Tengri (the sky god). He believes that his deeds will live on in the memory of the people, and his soul will find peace next to his ancestors.

The threefold repetition of the stanza "Under this sky, on my native land; / With shield and sword in hand, I am Börübay" sounds like an oath of allegiance, emphasizing the hero's unwavering spirit and his readiness to fight for his land to the end.

Sabahın yağmuru, toprağın kokusu

Ormanın ruhu, seher yelinden

Dokuz başlı tuğ, Oğuzun türküsü

Eksik olmasın, yurdumun üstünden

Rüzgar olur, şimşek olur

Yağmur olur ben yağarım

Karanlık geceden sonra

Güneş olur ben doğarım

Yurdumun topraklarında

Çınar olur kök salarım

Gökyüzünün altında, yurdumun toprağında

Elde kılıç kalkanla, ben Börübay

Bükülmez bileğim, tunç olur yüreğim

Erlik olur bedenim, düşman üstüne

Eğer ki düşersem, canımı verirsem

Neden korkayım ki, Atalar beklerken

Günler geçer, aylar geçer

Elbet bir gün zaman biter

Kuruyan yapraklar gibi

Tanrım yasar ben uçarım

Beden gider adım kalır

Dualarla ben yaşarım

Gökyüzünün altında, yurdumun toprağında

Elde kılıç kalkanla, ben Börübay

Gökyüzünün altında, yurdumun toprağında

Elde kılıç kalkanla, ben Börübay

Gökyüzünün altında, yurdumun toprağında

Elde kılıç kalkanla, ben Börübay

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