The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Nazar Eyle" by the artist "Ya#351;ru"

The text "Nazar Eyle" by Ya#351;ru, despite its seeming simplicity, is full of symbolism and historical references that create a multi-layered image of nomadic culture and the flow of life.

The recurring phrase "Look around, look around, look around, look around, / Come closer, look at the prices, come closer, look at the prices" serves as a kind of refrain, framing key events and forcing one to think about their meaning. "Prices" in this context can be interpreted as a metaphor for life experience, the price of success, fame, love, and the refrain - as a call to pay attention to the transience of life and the importance of every moment.

The first verse tells about the birth and growing up of the nine sons of Bilge Khatun, a historical figure, the mother of a powerful Turkic kagan. Nine sons who have reached the age of five and have taken up swords symbolize strength, continuity of generations and the military power of the nomadic people.

The second verse, describing a magnificent wedding with the participation of forty couples, a forty-day feast and the sacrifice of forty camels and sheep, paints a picture of abundance, joy and the traditional way of life of nomads. The number "forty" in Turkic culture has a sacred meaning, symbolizing fullness, completeness, abundance.

The third verse, which tells about a bird that landed on the palm of the lyrical hero and was eaten by others, introduces the motive of injustice and the frailty of existence. Barysh's question "where is my share?" sounds rhetorical, emphasizing the unpredictability of fate and the inevitability of loss.

Thus, the text "Nazar Eyle" can be interpreted as a philosophical reflection on the transience of life, the price of success and the inevitability of change, expressed through the prism of historical events and the traditional culture of nomads.

Nazar eyle nazar eyle nazar eyle nazar eyle

Gel yanıma pazar eyle gel yanıma pazar eyle

Yüce hakan sefere gitmiş

Bilge hatun dokuz doğurmuş

Dokuz oğlan beş yaşına gelmiş

Dokuzu birden kılıç kuşanmış

Nazar eyle nazar eyle nazar eyle nazar eyle

Gel yanıma pazar eyle gel yanıma pazar eyle

Sırma saçlı kırk güzel gelmiş

Levent boylu kırk yiğide varmış

Düğün dernek kırk gece sürmüş

Kırk deve kırk koyun kurban kesilmiş

Nazar eyle nazar eyle nazar eyle nazar eyle

Gel yanıma pazar eyle gel yanıma pazar eyle

Avucuma bir kuş konmuş

Biri tutmuş kanadın yolmuş

Biri kesmiş öteki yemiş

Garip Barış hani bana demiş

Nazar eyle nazar eyle nazar eyle nazar eyle

Gel yanıma pazar eyle gel yanıma pazar eyle

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