The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Wake Up" by the artist "Ye Vagabonds"

The song "Wake Up" by Ye Vagabonds is a life-affirming call to awaken and greet the new day. The recurring refrain "Wake up, wake up" serves as a kind of mantra, urging the listener to shake off sleep and pay attention to the beauty and possibilities that dawn brings.

The song paints a vivid picture of sunrise: the earth warms under the rays of the rising sun, birds greet the new day with their singing, fog slowly rises above the ground. All these images symbolize the awakening of nature and, metaphorically, the awakening of the human soul.

The authors do not limit themselves to contemplation, they call for action: "Pull on your clothes, throw some logs / In the morning hearth and put the kettle on." These simple actions symbolize the beginning of a new day filled with cares and joys. "Coffee in a metal cup" and the phrase "We were all rubbing our eyes" indicate that this dawn is not experienced alone, but in the company of loved ones.

The multiple repetition of the refrain "Wake up, wake up" at the end of the song reinforces its message, calling not only for physical awakening, but also for spiritual awakening, awareness, readiness to meet the new day in all its fullness.

Wake up, wake up

Wake up, wake up

Wake up, wake up

Wake up, wake up

Day is breaking, ground is warming

Sun comes over the horizon

Eyes are open, birds are calling

Flying low the fog is rising

Up, wake up

Wake up, Wake up

Pull on clothes and stoke the embers

Kettle's on the morning fire

Coffee in a metal cup

Time we were all gently rising

Up, wake up

Wake up, Wake up

Wake up, wake up

Wake up, wake up

Wake up, wake up

Wake up, wake up

Wake up, wake up

Wake up, wake up

Wake up, wake up

Wake up, wake up

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