The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Je t'aime encore" by the artist "Yelle"

In the song "Je t'aime encore," French singer Yelle metaphorically describes her devotion and love for the French language.

The protagonist of the song is Yelle herself, and the object of her affection is the French language.

"For fifteen years now, I've loved you, but you still don't notice me." Yelle alludes to her long career in music but implies she hasn't achieved widespread recognition in the French-speaking world.

"I spin, spin, spin around you, but you don't see me." She actively uses French in her work but feels her efforts are overlooked.

"And yet I speak the same language, I defend it with all my might from Tokyo to Portland via Barcelona." Yelle travels the world, performing on different continents, but everywhere she promotes French language and culture.

"I try, I explain clearly. Maybe I'm inadequate." She doubts herself, wondering if she is proficient enough in the language to be heard.

"When I export myself, I don't explain anything, I shouldn't have to explain anything." She defends the right of French music to be popular abroad without having to adapt to an English-speaking audience.

"Maybe that's the whole point, that you ask yourself too many questions. Or maybe, maybe, not enough, and I'm actually stupid." Yelle continues her self-criticism, reflecting on the reasons for her "failure."

"We met by accident, and we fell in love." She admits that her path to music and the French language was not direct or obvious.

"They say love lasts three years and then... and then it passes. We've gotten used to each other, and we like each other, but it's not the same anymore, not like it used to be." Yelle feels that her relationship with the language has changed, perhaps due to the influence of globalization and the dominance of English.

"You think I've changed. I think you're over twenty years old." She feels that the French language has become more conservative and less open to experimentation.

"I'm writing my story elsewhere so I'll have something to tell you." Yelle seeks inspiration from other cultures to enrich her work and find new ways to reach the hearts of the French audience.

"Actually, I never told you how much, how much I love you." She confesses her deep love for the French language.

"You bury yourself in what you understand like an airbag. It's shiny, you like it, but why, why are you chasing after it?" Yelle reproaches the French public for preferring to stay in their comfort zone, ignoring the new and experimental.

"I blew up continents, it gave me freedom. A statuette in my teeth - it's mine, I didn't steal it." Yelle is proud of her achievements on the world stage and declares her uniqueness.

"Ask those who truly love me how good it is to meet again." She urges the French audience to open their hearts to her music and give her a chance.

"I know I'm ugly, but I'm sincerity itself." Yelle is not afraid to be herself, even if it does not fit into accepted standards.

The repeating phrase "I still love you" emphasizes Yelle's unwavering devotion to the French language, despite all the difficulties and doubts.

Ça fait quinze ans que j'te fais l'amour, tu m'regardes toujours pas

Je te tourne au– tourne au– tourne autour mais tu ne me vois pas

Je parle pourtant la même langue je la défends à tour de bras

De Tokyo à Portland en passant par Barcelona

J'fais des efforts, j'explique bien, je suis sûrement inadaptée

Quand je m'exporte j'explique rien j'ai pas besoin de m'expliquer

C'est peut-être là la vérité tu t'poses beaucoup de questions

Ou peut-être, peut-être pas assez et c'est moi qui suis vraiment con

Je t'aime encore [8x]

On s'est connu sur un malentendu, on a aimé ça

À ce qu'il paraît, ça dure trois ans, après, après c'est plus là

On s'habitue, on se plaît, mais c'est pas, c'est pas comme avant

T'as l'impression que j'ai changé, j'ai l'impression que t'as plus vingt ans

J'écris mon histoire ailleurs pour avoir des choses à te dire

Je te l'ai jamais dit, d'ailleurs, à quel point, quel point je t'admire

Tu t'enroules dans ce que tu sais comme une couverture de survie

Elle est brillante, elle te plaît, mais pourquoi, pourquoi tu la suis?

Je t'aime encore [4x]

J'ai exploré les continents, on m'a donné ma liberté

La statue entre les dents, je ne l'ai, je n'l'ai pas volée

Demande à mes amours fidèles comme c'est bon de s'retrouver

Je sais que j'suis pas la belle mais je suis la sincérité

Je t'aime encore [17x]

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