The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Unillusion" by the artist "Yelle"

In the song "Unillusion", the French group Yelle explores the theme of illusions in relationships and life in general. The recurring phrase "illusion-illusions" emphasizes the omnipresence of deception and self-deception that permeate our reality.

The lyrics are built on the contrast between promises and doubts. The lyrical heroine is faced with promises of a "lifetime guarantee" in love and friendship, but questions about the sincerity of these promises immediately arise. The lack of evidence and guarantees ("account statements") generates uncertainty and fear of being deceived.

The phrase "did you lie to me?" remains unanswered, which increases the feeling of uncertainty. Instead, there is a bitter admission that "it will not be very good", followed by an attempt at self-suggestion: "it will be perfect."

The second verse transfers the theme of illusions to a broader social context. The "spike of people" designed to save turns out to be ineffective, and the truth is hidden behind the need to "grit my teeth." The lyrical heroine abandons illusions, preferring to look at things soberly: "the present tells me nothing about the future." The numerous "stitches on my heart" hint at past disappointments and painful lessons.

The chorus of the song, repeated throughout the text, expresses the duality of the heroine's feelings. On the one hand, she appreciates moments of intimacy ("we hold hands", "we are together when everything is good"), and on the other hand, she cannot get rid of the feeling that "this is going nowhere."

"Schedule of repayment of feelings" and "diplomacy" are metaphors describing relationships built on calculation and falsehood. Love turns into a commodity with a limited shelf life, and sincerity gives way to "appearances."

The title of the song "Unillusion" is a neologism formed by the merging of the negative prefix "un-" and the word "illusion." However, Yelle pronounces it as "une illusion" (illusion in French), thereby blurring the line between illusion and reality. The heroine of the song, freed from illusions, is faced with the unfortunate truth: life is full of uncertainties, and promises are not always kept.

Unillusion, unillusion


Garanti à vie

(Ami ou chéri)

J'ai une preuve je te dis

(Facture à l'appui)

Est-ce tu m'as menti

(Non je te garantis)

Ce ne serait pas très gentil

(Non je te garantis)


Unillusion, unillusion


Unillusion, unillusion


Fer à souder les gens

Sert à sauver les gens

Je ne vais pas me voiler la face

Je n'ai plus qu'à serrer les dents

M'offrir tous ces présents ne me dit pas le futur,

J'ai sur le coeur aujourd'hui tellement de points de suture

Main dans la main

Unis quand ça va bien

Je ne me peux pas m'empêcher de penser

Que ça ne mène à rien

Tableau d'amortissement des sentiments

La diplomatie, si sert juste à faire


Unillusion, unillusion


Unillusion, unillusion



Main dans la main

Unis quand ça va bien

Je ne me peux pas m'empêcher de penser

Que ça ne mène à rien

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