The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Sauver Le Monde" by the artist "Zazie"

Zazie's song "Sauver Le Monde" ("Save the World") is a sharp satire on the hypocrisy of modern society in the face of global problems. The singer mocks the superficial approach of people to solving important issues such as poverty, violence, and the environmental crisis.

The first verses paint a picture of collective inaction. Everyone "agrees" that the world is going downhill, but their actions are limited to empty talk and insignificant donations. "We spend a little money, / We spend a little time, / Just an hour, on those who have nothing". This irony emphasizes the gap between words and real actions. People soothe their conscience with symbolic gestures, after which they "return to their lives", postponing real solutions for an indefinite "tomorrow".

The repeating refrain "We will save the world" sounds increasingly fake and cynical against the background of the described inaction. The second part of the song reinforces this sarcasm, pointing out that people are "strong" primarily in their destruction: "We spend all our energy making sure everything goes wrong." The belief that "someone will defuse / The bomb we made" is nothing more than self-deception, an attempt to shift responsibility to an abstract "someone".

However, the ending of the song leaves a glimmer of hope. Zazie offers an alternative to destruction: "saving the world — / It is the smile of love." Real change is possible only through personal transformation, through openness and compassion. The question "Will we open ourselves to love?" is addressed to every listener, forcing them to think about their own role in the fate of the world.


On est d'accord

On sait tous que la Terre tourne mal


On est très forts

Pour le dire, l'écrire dans le journal

On donne un peu d'argent

On donne un peu de temps

Une heure а ceux qui n'ont rien

Assez pour aujourd'hui

Puis on reprend sa vie

En se disant que demain

On va sauver le monde

On va sauver le monde

On va sauver le monde

Très forts

On est très forts

On fait tout pour que ça tourne mal

On peut toujours espérer

Qu'on va désamorcer

La bombe qu'on a fabriqué

Pour un peu , on y croit

Puis on baisse les bras

En se disant que c'est pas demain

Qu'on va changer le monde

Qu'on va changer le monde

Qu'on va changer le monde

Puisque sauver le monde

C'est sourire а l'amour

Puisque sauver le monde

C'est s'ouvrir а l'amour

Va-t-on s'ouvrir а l'amour?

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