The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Not vulgar." (Ne poschloe) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

The moon is chipped tonight, and we're not in the same bed.

It's bright outside, that's why I didn't dare. But I'll take a run and jump from the window,

I believe it won't be painful, I remember how it's done.


My congratulations to you, from the little one, from the genius,

My young, chipped, moon-like heart is yours.

It's my past within you. Not vulgar.

Orbits along the stripes. Veins throbbed in vain,

I chose the whitest one. There's a question in your eyes,

I wish I could put you in these walls. Figure out what needs to be done.


My congratulations to you, from the little one, from the genius,

My young, chipped, moon-like heart is yours.

It's my past within you. Not vulgar.

Instrumental break

Lips whisper into the receiver. Fairytales, caresses,

Everything at once.


These are my moods for you, from the little one, from the genius,

My young, chipped, moon-like heart is yours.

It's my past within you. Not vulgar.

Not vulgar...

Not vulgar...

Not vulgar...

Not vulgar...

Щербатая луна, и мы не в одной постели.

Светло - потому не смела. Я разбегусь и с окна,

Я верю - не будет больно, я помню, как это делать.


Мои тебе поздравления, от крошки, от гения

Мое в тебе сердце юное, щербатое, лунное

Оно в тебе мое прошлое. Не пошлое

Орбиты вдоль полос. Напрасно гудели вены,

Я выбрала самый белый. В твоих глазах вопрос,

Тебя бы вот в эти стены. Придумай, что надо сделать


Мои тебе поздравления, от крошки, от гения

Мое в тебе сердце юное, щербатое, лунное

Оно в тебе мое прошлое. Не пошлое


В трубки губки говорят. Сказки, ласки,

Да все подряд


Мои тебе настроения, от крошки, от гения

Мое в тебе сердце юное, щербатое, лунное

Оно в тебе мое прошлое, Не пошлое

Не пошлое...

Не пошлое...

Не пошлое...

Не пошлое...

In the song "Ne poshloe" (Not Vulgar), Zemfira uses metaphorical language to describe complex feelings and memories of a past romance.

First verse:

"The chipped moon, and we're not in the same bed": Creates an atmosphere of melancholy and distance. The chipped moon symbolizes incompleteness, perhaps hinting at the unfinished nature of the relationship.

"It's light outside - that's why I didn't dare. I'll run and jump from the window, I believe it won't hurt, I remember how to do it": These lines reveal the lyrical heroine's pain and despair. She's ready for extreme measures ("run and jump from the window"), perhaps metaphorically, to escape the pain. The phrase "I remember how to do it" hints at past experiences of coping with similar emotions.


"My congratulations to you, from the little one, from the genius. My heart within you is young, chipped, lunar": Here, the heroine addresses her former lover. "Little one" and "genius" are juxtaposed, showing the ambivalence of her feelings. The "chipped, lunar" heart is a metaphor for a vulnerable but still loving soul.

"It's my past within you. Not vulgar": This is a key phrase. The heroine emphasizes that her feelings and memories of the past romance are sincere and important, despite the relationship ending.

Second verse:

"Orbits along stripes. In vain, the veins were buzzing. I chose the whitest one. There's a question in your eyes. I'd put you inside these walls": These lines are full of tension and unspoken words. "Orbits along stripes" is a metaphor for life paths that have diverged. "The whitest one" might be a symbol of innocence or coldness, distance.

"Think of what needs to be done": The heroine feels lost, seeking answers and solutions from her former lover, even though she realizes it's no longer his responsibility.

Instrumental and Chorus Repetition:

The instrumental break intensifies the emotionality, and the repeated phrase "Not vulgar" emphasizes its significance to the heroine. It's as if she's convincing both herself and her former lover that their story mattered and cannot be forgotten.

Overall, "Ne poshloe" is a song of remembrance, filled with sadness, pain, and nostalgia for a past love. Zemfira masterfully conveys the complex range of the lyrical heroine's feelings through metaphors and imagery, leaving space for individual interpretation.

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