The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Shuōhuǎng" by the artist "Zhang XinZhe"

Zhang XinZhe's poem "Shuōhuǎng" (literally "Lie") is saturated with bitterness and disappointment from insincerity in a relationship. The lyrical hero addresses his beloved, who, judging by the text, spends nights with someone else. He understands perfectly well what is happening, as evidenced by the lines: "In reality, I know everything, I just don't say it" and "You pretend to be busy, But this is a pretense."

The hero is tormented by insomnia, waiting for his beloved's return and listening to her unconvincing excuses. He feels deceived, as the phrase suggests: "When the rays of light penetrate through the window, He will turn out to be a liar." Despite the pain and resentment, he continues to love and forgive, hoping for a change for the better: "You can rely on me," "I still love you the same way, And I always try to forgive."

However, the hero is tired of lies and pretense. He offers to break off the relationship if his beloved cannot be honest with him and with herself: "If I am not the one you can rely on, Let's stop and not torture ourselves."

The final lines of the poem sound like a call for sincerity. The hero is ready to forgive and forget the betrayals if his beloved simply stops lying: "You don't have to pretend, I will forget everything, Just don't lie."

Zhècì wǒ yòu dānxīn dào tiānliàng

Xiànzài nǐ kào zài shuí shēn páng

Chuāngwài tòu jìnlái de guāng

Zhào dé xīn fāhuāng

Áo guò le shīmián de wǎnshàng

Měi cì nǐ de lǐyóu dōu yīyàng

Qíshí wǒ dū dǒng zhǐshì bù jiǎng

Bǎ zìjǐ nòng de hěn máng

Qíshí shì jiǎzhuāng

Kàn nǐ zhècì yào zěnme shōuchǎng

Wǒ shuō wǒ huì shì nǐ kěyǐ yīkào de jiānbǎng

Ér nǐ què zhàn zài lí wǒ zuì yuǎn dì dìfāng

Wǒ ài nǐ de xīn yīyàng

Zǒng shì xuǎnzé yuánliàng

Nǐ yǒu duōshǎo jièkǒu chúle shuōhuǎng

Rúguǒ wǒ bùshì nǐ kěyǐ tíngkào dì dìfāng

Wǒmen jiù dào cǐ wéizhǐ bùbì zài miǎnqiáng

Xiànzài kāishǐ bù yīyàng

Xiàng lùrén jīngguò shēn páng

Nǐ yě bùbì zhuāng mó zuò yàng

Wǒ huì yíwàng

Bié zài shuōhuǎng

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