The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Golgotha" (Golgofa) the performer of the song "Miyagi"

Put the brightest slide from memory on repeat

Praise this moment for you

Restore the chronology of years

Of unnoticed days that sing to you

Put the brightest slide from memory on repeat

Praise this moment for you

Restore the chronology of years

Of unnoticed days that sing to you

On familiar terms with melancholy, on the crest of a wave of resentment

And views of the world differed, like fallen leaves

Unsightly paths of war were laid out

Forgotten verses

Don't judge me, you are my Mount Golgotha

Nowhere to run, and love was dying

Nowhere to run, and love was dying, nowhere to run

And let the hardships go, not a step back

Don't sink this raft, I raised the sails

The gust of wind carries me along the current again

Love adorned the sky with a starfall

Despite the storms, we will believe in spite

Soaring over cities, unclenching our fists

We fanned the flames, burning with notes again

Love adorned the sky

Vivid frames flicker

Before you, there were rough mantras

Before you, it was, in general, not sweet

To give love is a great power

My unruly one, let me know

How to please you, my dear? Give me a sign

How to hide our happiness? Love is life

Where to go if you want to dream? To you

Straight into your arms, I no longer wanted

I dissolve smoothly to the music of shadows

I pondered the main thing while the day stretched on

You appeared brightly at the most necessary moment

You reached out your hand and lifted me from my knees

It's not that simple, the stars were beating

To say the main thing: it's never too late

I love you

Put the brightest slide from memory on repeat

Praise this moment for you

Restore the chronology of years

Of unnoticed days that sing to you

Put the brightest slide from memory on repeat

Praise this moment for you

Restore the chronology of years

Of unnoticed days that sing to you

Ставь на репит самый яркий слайд из памяти

Славь этот миг for you

Восстанови хронологию лет

Незамеченных дней, что тебе поют

Ставь на репит самый яркий слайд из памяти

Славь этот миг for you

Восстанови хронологию лет

Незамеченных дней, что тебе поют

С тоской на ты, на гребне волны обид

И разнились взгляды на мир, опавшими листьями

Были выстланы неказистые тропы войны

Забытые строфы

Не суди меня, ты — моя гора Голгофа

Некуда бежать, и погибала любовь

Некуда бежать, и погибала любовь, некуда бежать

И пусть уходят невзгоды, ни шагу назад

Не потопить этот плот, я поднял паруса

Порывом ветра несёт по течению вновь

Звездопадом украсила небо любовь

Невзирая на бури, будем верить вопреки

Витая над городами, разжимая кулаки

Мы раздували пламя, нотами горели вновь

Украсило небо любовь

Переливаются яркие кадры

До тебя были грубые мантры

До тебя было, в целом, не мило

Дарить любовь — это большая сила

Непокорная моя, дай мне знать

Как угодить тебе, милая? Дай мне знак

Как утаить наше счастье? Love is life

Куда идти, если хочется помечтать? К тебе

Прямиком в объятия, боле не хотел

Растворяюсь плавно под музыку теней

Размышлял о главном, пока тянулся день

Ты появилась ярко в самый нужный момент

Протянула руку и подняла с колен

Не всё так просто, лупили звёзды

Сказать о главном: никогда не поздно


Ставь на репит самый яркий слайд из памяти

Славь этот миг for you

Восстанови хронологию лет

Незамеченных дней, что тебе поют

Ставь на репит самый яркий слайд из памяти

Славь этот миг for you

Восстанови хронологию лет

Незамеченных дней, что тебе поют

In the song "Golgotha", Miyagi reflects on the complex and contradictory feelings within a relationship. The lyrical hero is going through a period of pain and uncertainty, remembering both bright and dark moments.

The phrase "Put the brightest slide from memory on repeat" is a metaphor for revisiting the happiest memories, a call to cherish them and find solace in them. "Praise this moment for you" suggests that these memories are precious and important to him, possibly connected to the person he is addressing.

"Restore the chronology of years of unnoticed days that sing to you" - here, the hero urges to remember the entire journey they have shared, including the "unnoticed days" which, nevertheless, were filled with emotions ("sing to you").

The image of "Golgotha" symbolizes suffering and trials. The hero compares his beloved to the mountain on which he is crucified, emphasizing that the relationship brings him pain, yet he cannot abandon it.

Despite the hardships experienced ("adversity", "storms"), the hero believes in love and is ready to fight for it. He compares himself to a ship sailing downstream, despite the obstacles.

The meeting with his beloved is described as salvation, a light in the darkness. She "lifted him from his knees", restored his faith and hope.

The repetition of the chorus at the end of the song reinforces the idea of the importance of memories and faith in the best, despite the difficulties experienced.

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