The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Sunrise" (Voshod) the performer of the song "Miyagi"

No— in the heads, heads in sights, bam-bam, disaster

This world gave itself to us, the struggle pursued the consequences

Don't try to understand, this is someone's move, humans are consumables

It was a pleasure for someone to watch how the holy saints resent

A series of troubles led to a series of troubles

These proofs burn like lanterns in the night

These beats are an outfit for delegations of evil that tell us

Not you—

Choose the lesser of two evils, don't twitch

You will not see a peaceful sky above your head

And there is no way out of the pit

In the darkness of days there is impenetrable melancholy

Time demanded to live, but twists the barrel at the temple

With a haughty look in the cycle of disputes, baring his teeth

A stormy river carries us away without return

But we will collect paints again

Let's run to the light to see off the sunset

Draw love, understand each other without words

And in spite of adversity, the heart will sing

We are waiting for the sunrise

We are waiting for the sunrise

We are waiting for the sunrise, yes

Every night, every single night

We are waiting for the sunrise, yes

Every night, every single night

We are waiting for the sunrise, yes

Every night, every single night

We are waiting for the sunrise, yes

Every night

We are waiting for the sunrise, yes

Every night, every single night

We are waiting for the sunrise, yes

Every night, every single night

We are waiting for the sunrise, yes

Every night, every single night

We are waiting for the sunrise, yes

Every night

We need a sunrise, we need a good vibe

Soft as a relaxation with a warm wind

A new motive for a bright beat

I asked the sky for peace, sending it to you through sounds

Just look how we know how to love

Here the rays of the sun warm, warm hands

Right approach

Don't bring it into my house

There is already a lot of evil

But we will survive, we will survive, we will survive

We are waiting for the sunrise, yes

Every night, every single night

We are waiting for the sunrise, yes

Every night, every single night

We are waiting for the sunrise, yes

Every night, every single night

We are waiting for the sunrise, yes

Every night

We are waiting for the sunrise, yes

Every night, every single night

We are waiting for the sunrise, yes

Every night, every single night

We are waiting for the sunrise, yes

Every night, every single night

We are waiting for the sunrise, yes

Every night

Не— в головах, головы в коллиматорах, бам-бам, бедствие

Этот мир даровал себя нам, борьба преследовала последствия

Не пытайся понять, это чей-то ход, человеки — расходники

Любо-дорого было кому-то смотреть, как негодуют святые угодники

Череда передряг за собой привела череду передряг

Эти пруфы горят, как фонари в ночь

Эти бифы — наряд для делегаций зла, что говорят нам

Не вы—

Из двух зол выбирай, не рыпайся

Мирного неба над головой вам не видать

И из ямы никак не выбраться

Во мраке дней тут непроглядная тоска

Время требовало жить, но крутит дулом у виска

Взглядом свысока в круговерти пререканий, обнажив оскал

Нас уносит безвозвратно бурная река

Но мы по крупицам соберём краски вновь

Побежим на свет провожать закат

Рисовать любовь, понимать без слов друг друга

И вопреки невзгодам сердце запоёт

Мы ждём восход

Мы ждём восход

Мы ждём восход, да

Каждую ночь, каждую-каждую ночь

Мы ждём восход, да

Каждую ночь, каждую-каждую ночь

Мы ждём восход, да

Каждую ночь, каждую-каждую ночь

Мы ждём восход, да

Каждую ночь

Мы ждём восход, да

Каждую ночь, каждую-каждую ночь

Мы ждём восход, да

Каждую ночь, каждую-каждую ночь

Мы ждём восход, да

Каждую ночь, каждую-каждую ночь

Мы ждём восход, да

Каждую ночь

Нам нужен восход, нужен добрый вайб

Мягкий, как релакс с тёплым ветром

На яркий бит новенький мотив

Я попросил у неба мир, посылаю вам через звуки

Только посмотри, как мы умеем любить

Тут греют солнца лучи, греют руки

Правильный подход

Не неси в мой дом

Зла и так навалом

Но переживём, переживём, переживём

Мы ждём восход, да

Каждую ночь, каждую-каждую ночь

Мы ждём восход, да

Каждую ночь, каждую-каждую ночь

Мы ждём восход, да

Каждую ночь, каждую-каждую ночь

Мы ждём восход, да

Каждую ночь

Мы ждём восход, да

Каждую ночь, каждую-каждую ночь

Мы ждём восход, да

Каждую ночь, каждую-каждую ночь

Мы ждём восход, да

Каждую ночь, каждую-каждую ночь

Мы ждём восход, да

Каждую ночь

In the song "Sunrise" ("Восход"), Miyagi talks about the difficult fate of a person in the modern world, full of violence, injustice and hopelessness.

The theme of fate and predestination:

"Not in the heads, heads in collimators, bam-bam, disaster": People are deprived of the opportunity to think and influence their own destiny, they are only targets in someone else's game ("heads in collimators"). The world is cruel and full of dangers ("disaster").

"This world gave itself to us, the struggle pursued the consequences": Man is thrown into this world without his consent, doomed to struggle and suffering ("the struggle pursued the consequences").

"Don't try to understand, this is someone else's move, people are consumables": The author emphasizes the idea that human life is worth nothing, people are just pawns in someone else's game.

"It was nice for someone to watch the holy saints resent": Violence and suffering bring pleasure to some higher power watching what is happening.

The cyclical nature of suffering:

"A series of troubles brought about a series of troubles": The author describes a vicious circle of suffering from which there is no escape.

Hope for the best:

Despite the bleak picture of the world, the song traces the belief in the best:

"In the darkness of days there is impenetrable longing. Time demanded to live, but twists the barrel at the temple": Even in the darkest of times ("in the darkness of days") a person is obliged to fight for life, although fate leaves him no chance ("twists the barrel at the temple").

"But we will collect the paints again bit by bit, we will run into the light to see off the sunset": The lyrical hero believes that even after the most difficult trials, one can find the strength to live on ("we will collect the paints again bit by bit") and enjoy simple things ("see off the sunset").

"To draw love, to understand each other without words": Love and mutual understanding are the true values that help to survive in this world.

"And in spite of adversity, the heart will sing, we are waiting for the sunrise": Despite all the difficulties ("adversity"), the heart cherishes the hope for a brighter future ("we are waiting for the sunrise").


"Sunrise" symbolizes hope, a new beginning, the end of a dark streak in life.

"Paints" are symbols of joy, love, beauty that help to overcome difficulties.

"Sunset" is a metaphor for the passing day, the difficulties that must be left behind.

Music and mood:

The music of the song conveys longing and hopelessness, but at the same time there is a place for hope in it. The recurring motif "We are waiting for the sunrise" sounds like a mantra, like a spell calling for a brighter future.

Miyagi in the song "Sunrise" creates an image of a man caught in the grip of fate, but not losing hope for the best.

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