The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Warrior" (Voinom) the performer of the song "Miyagi"

As a keepsake, a photograph, in the photo it's you and I

There's a city trampled underfoot and barked at by cries

We're not stranded, we're up to our necks in plans

And rasping, we're the ones you called wild

Smiles to parents, faith in doomed hearts

On my Minigun, Andy, Miyagi, a united society

The sky was burning, the mountains were wailing, I'm weak today

But hundreds of paths lead with harmony, so hats off to them

I'll find the password from misfortune from behind the chest pain

With ice floes that will bypass the "Titanic" in search of peace

With evil frigates, battleships, wars, fights

No need for empty chatter, it won't fly

The cries of a drunkard with a crumpled soul and cotton legs

Life is a rag, every day is hard labor

But still, you need to find yourself, and somehow rejoice

The time will come, and you and I will see a rainbow


I will be unyielding ashes, eternal and faithful

An immortal warrior, but save my heart

There's no room for revenge, let this world crack, ohhh

I will be unyielding ashes, eternal and faithful

An immortal warrior, but save my heart

There's no room for revenge, let this world crack, ohhh

I was lucky, sitting still, I lured fortune

The hero hangs up his sword and waits for the birth of his grandson

Give us commerce with a cool track filling

And there the people are wondering: "How, and what will time bring?"

A shop with a cheap revolution on every blog

The diamond eye has grown up in the best traditions of the story

Thinking of drinking? Here, a piece of shit, and lock yourself in a cage

A sweet beat from my brother and lyrics about a squirrel

What am I even writing? Yeah, I'm tired of spitting into the void

Every theme comes from the heart, I write about what I could

If my verse is in vain, there's no need for snot

It's like life, and I guess that's how I want it

Do you appreciate it? Don't try to cure it with money, my problems are at zero

A native of Vladikavkaz, where there are mountains and tempering

Darling, my peace is unlikely to ever be disturbed

I won, if only because someone was listening to me


I will be unyielding ashes, eternal and faithful

An immortal warrior, but save my heart

There's no room for revenge, let this world crack, ohhh

I will be unyielding ashes, eternal and faithful

An immortal warrior, but save my heart

There's no room for revenge, let this world crack, ohhh

From familiar places, familiar cries

The mechanism, tested by time, is as reliable as cricket

A formidable city, and you're either a victim or a spectator in it

Thread by thread from the world, and they assembled Babylon - the abode of love

Thinkers are drowning us, we're not sinking the raft

We've been sailing for more than a year, we've punished, you see

The ship wasn't waiting for us

No, the ship has sailed. And we were left here, on the island of the desperate

- Tell me, doctor

- Huh?

- Is there any point in being treated?

A healthy lifestyle, I only drink to the Fatherland

The peak of development, we draw water from wells

I'm more of a patriot, I got vaccinated for the Fatherland

But what am I? Everything will be fine

As long as people are swaying to the same beat with me, (everything will be fine) Life is sweet as pudding

As long as people are swaying to the same beat with me


I will be unyielding ashes, eternal and faithful

An immortal warrior, but save my heart

There's no room for revenge, let this world crack, ohhh

I will be unyielding ashes, eternal and faithful

An immortal warrior, but save my heart

There's no room for revenge, let this world crack, ohhh

На память фотоснимок, на фото я и ты

Там город затоптанный ногами и облаянный криком

ЭNaMi не на мели у нас по горло планов

И хрипа, мы из тех самых кого вы называли дикими

Улыбок родителям веры в сердца обреченным

Намо Миниган, Энди, Мияги общество сплоченных

Небо горело горы ревели я слаб сегодня

Но сотни троп ведут гармонией так что поклон им

Найду пароль и от беды из-за грудинной боли

Льдинами что обойдут "Титаник" в поисках покоя

Злыми фригатами, батлами, войнами, драками

Трёпа пустого не надо, такое не прокатывает

Вопли поддатого с помятой душой а ноги ватные

Житуха - половая тряпка, что не день - то каторга

Но всё же надо находить себя, и как-то радовать

Время придёт, и мы с тобой увидим радугу


Я буду пеплом нетленным, вечным и верным

Воином бессмертным, но прибереги моё сердце

Для мести нет места, пусть мир этот треснет, ооо

Я буду пеплом не тленным,вечным и верным

Воином бессмертным, но прибереги моё сердце

Для мести нет места, пусть мир этот треснет, ооо

Мне повезло сидя на месте прикормил фортуну

Герой вешает меч на гвоздь и ждёт рождения внука

Нам подавай коммерцию с классной начинкой трэка

А там народ с вопросом: "Как, и что подгонит время?"

Лавочка с дешёвой революцией на каждом блоге

Глаз алмаз ведь вырос в лучших традициях стори

Пить надумал? На, кусок дерьма, и запирайся в клетке

Мне приторный биток от братоса и текст по белке

Чё вообще пишу? Да надоело плевать в потолок

Каждая тема из сердца, пишу о том что смог

Если мой куплет на ветер, сопли явно не к чему

Это типа жизнь, а я наверное так и хочу

Ценишь? Не лечи деньгами, мне проблемы по нулям

Выходец Владикавказа, там где горы и закал

Родная, мой покой на вряд ли когда-то нарушат

Я победил, хотя бы тем что меня кто-то слушал


Я буду пеплом не тленным,вечным и верным

Воином бессмертным, но прибереги моё сердце

Для мести нет места, пусть мир этот треснет, ооо

Я буду пеплом не тленным,вечным и верным

Воином бессмертным, но прибереги моё сердце

Для мести нет места, пусть мир этот треснет, ооо

Со знакомых мест знакомые крики

Механизм проверен временем безотказен как крикет

Грозный сити, и ты в нём жертва или зритель

С миру по нити и собрали, Вавилон - любви обитель

Топите нас мыслители, не потопляем плот

В плавании не первый год мы, карали вот

Корабль нас не ждал

Нет, корабль отчалил. И мы остались тут, на острове отчаянных

- Скажи мне доктор

- А?

- Есть резон лечиться?

Здоровый образ жизни, пью только за отчизну

Развития пик, мы воду черпаем с колодцев

Я больше патриот я за отчизну укололся

Да чё я? Всё нормально будет

Пока со мной под один звук качаются люди, (нормально будет) Жизнь сладкая как пудинг

Пока со мной под один звук качаются люди


Я буду пеплом не тленным,вечным и верным

Воином бессмертным, но прибереги моё сердце

Для мести нет места, пусть мир этот треснет, ооо

Я буду пеплом не тленным,вечным и верным

Воином бессмертным, но прибереги моё сердце

Для мести нет места, пусть мир этот треснет, ооо

In the song "Warrior", Miyagi reflects on life, struggle, friendship, and the search for oneself.

He begins by painting a picture of the past, where he and his loved ones ("in the photo, you and I") wandered the streets of a city full of noise and bustle ("trampled by feet and barked at by shouts"). He emphasizes their unity and ambitions ("ЭNaMi is not stranded, we have plans up to our necks"), mentioning his team (Endspiel, Namo Minigun, Miyagi). They were called "wild" for their rebelliousness and desire to go their own way.

Miyagi acknowledges his weakness ("I am weak today") but believes in the power of music and creativity ("hundreds of paths lead to harmony"). He searches for a way out of life's difficulties ("the password to misfortune from behind chest pain"), comparing himself to ships seeking peace ("ice floes that will bypass the 'Titanic' in search of peace"). He rejects empty talk and complaints ("no need for empty chatter, it doesn't work"), seeing them as weakness ("the cries of a drunkard with a battered soul and cotton legs"). He sees life as a constant struggle ("life is a floor rag, every day is hard labor"), but he urges us to find joy and faith in the best in it ("the time will come, and you and I will see a rainbow").

In the chorus, Miyagi speaks of his loyalty and strength of spirit ("I will be imperishable ashes, eternal and faithful, an immortal warrior"). He calls for abandoning the desire for revenge ("there is no place for revenge"), even if the world falls apart ("let this world crack").

Next, Miyagi discusses success and its price. He acknowledges his luck ("I was lucky to feed fortune while sitting still") but does not aspire to the quiet life of a hero who has hung up his sword. He criticizes the superficiality and pursuit of profit in the music industry ("give us commerce with a cool track filling"), rejecting cheap popularity ("a shop with a cheap revolution on every blog").

Miyagi remains true to himself and his principles, writing about what touches his soul ("every theme from the heart, I write about what I could"). He does not need pity or falsehood ("if my verse is to the wind, snot is clearly not needed"), valuing sincerity and simple joys ("do you appreciate it? Don't treat me with money, my problems are at zero"). Miyagi is proud of his roots ("a native of Vladikavkaz, where there are mountains and tempering") and believes in his victory, expressed in the recognition of his listeners ("I won, if only because someone is listening to me").

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