The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Hustle" the performer of the song "Miyagi"

## Hustle (English Translation)


- Hey, what's up?

- Yo, what is hustle?








[Verse 1: Endspiel (Andy Panda)]

Bitch, you ain't worth the water at the bottom of the bong

My brothers looking at you like you're a schmuck!

I'll take your stuff, you'll start to break

Better bad this bitch, yo, turn it up loud!

Round incomes, whoa, expensive clothes

Complicated majors, whoa, rush off without looking back!

I'm like Danny Ocean, my boys are all around

If you buy it, the diamonds will sparkle

Grandmas on the line, I predict it'll be good, won't it?

My buds smoke everything from head to toe

As long as you're a kid, my street eats you for breakfast

Eats guys like you, go sit down!

[Bridge: Endspiel (Andy Panda)]

I buzzed, I screamed - look how I smashed it!

Panda's cooler than your Gucci, my Nikes are my napalm!

I'll be everything and now, bring your flowers

Besides girls, men love them too, here, breathe it in!

[Chorus: MiyaGi & Endspiel (Andy Panda)]

Explain to me, man, what is hustle?

What is it? (Hustle) What is it? What is it? (Hustle)

Explain to me, man, what is hustle?

What is it? (Hustle) What is it? What is it? (Hustle)

Explain to me, man, what is hustle?

What is it? (Hustle) What is it? What is it? (Hustle)

Explain to me, man, what is hustle?

What is it? (Hustle) What is it? What is it? (Hustle)

[Chorus: MiyaGi]

Just have a nice day, bitch, [get up to it\get out the way]

I'm very much rain, don't smoke my brain

I'm a hustla, motherfuckers, don't be afraid

La-di-da-di-da-di-day, la-di-da-di-da-di-day!

Just have a nice day, bitch, [get up to it\get out the way]

I'm very much rain, don't smoke my brain

I'm a hustla, motherfuckers, don't be afra-a-a-aid

La-di-da-di-da-di-day, la-di-da-di-da-di-day!

[Pre-Chorus: MiyaGi]

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Hustle!

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Hustle!

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Hustle!

La-di-da-di-da-di-day, la-di-da-di-da-di-day!

[Verse 2: MiyaGi]

My whole Bronx is rock'n'roll! Enemies suck my dck, that's all!

I'm never-never call me, without ceremony, best moment, it's all muse control

MiyaGi, Andy Panda-Panda! Together - gang-gang!

What is hustle? Well, show me, well, show me, man!

[Chorus: MiyaGi & Endspiel (Andy Panda)]

Explain to me, man, what is hustle?

What is it? (Hustle) What is it? What is it? (Hustle)

Explain to me, man, what is hustle?

What is it? (Hustle) What is it? What is it? (Hustle)

Explain to me, man, what is hustle?

What is it? (Hustle) What is it? What is it? (Hustle)

Explain to me, man, what is hustle?

What is it? (Hustle) What is it? What is it? (Hustle)

[Pre-Chorus: MiyaGi]


















- Hey, what's up?

- Здравствуй, а что такое хасл?








[1 Куплет: Эндшпиль (Andy Panda)]

Ты, сука, и не стоишь той воды, что на дне бонга

Мои братья смотрят на тебя, как на подонка!

Отберу твой стафф, у тебя начнется ломка

Лучше bad this bitch, эй, люти делай громко!

Круглые доходы, пау, дорогие тряпки

Сложные мажоры, пау, помчите без оглядки!

Я как Дэнни Оушен, вокруг мои ребятки

Если выкупаешь, то-то засверкают блядки

Бабули на житу, вангую будет good, не так ли?

Мои будки скурят все от головы до пятки

Покуда, ты пацан, моя улица на завтрак

Хавает таких, как ты, уходи в осадок!

[Бридж: Эндшпиль (Andy Panda)]

Я гудел, я кричал - посмотри, как разъебал!

Панда круче твоих Гуччи, мои Найки - мой напалм!

Я буду все и сейчас, давай неси свои цветы

Кроме девушек их любят мужики, на, вдохни!

[Припев: MiyaGi & Эндшпиль (Andy Panda)]

Объясни мне, ман, что такое хасл?

Что такое? (Хасл) Что такое? Что такое? (Хасл)

Объясни мне, ман, что такое хасл?

Что такое? (Хасл) Что такое? Что такое? (Хасл)

Объясни мне, ман, что такое хасл?

Что такое? (Хасл) Что такое? Что такое? (Хасл)

Объясни мне, ман, что такое хасл?

Что такое? (Хасл) Что такое? Что такое? (Хасл)

[Припев: MiyaGi]

Just have a nice day, bitch, [get up to it\get out the way]

I'm very much rain, don't smoke my brain

I'm a hustla, motherfuckers, don't be afraid

La-di-da-di-da-di-day, la-di-da-di-da-di-day!

Just have a nice day, bitch, [get up to it\get out the way]

I'm very much rain, don't smoke my brain

I'm a hustla, motherfuckers, don't be afra-a-a-aid

La-di-da-di-da-di-day, la-di-da-di-da-di-day!

[Пред-припев: MiyaGi]

Ха-ха-ха-ха-ха-ха-ха-ха-ха! Хасла!

Ха-ха-ха-ха-ха-ха-ха-ха-ха! Хасла!

Ха-ха-ха-ха-ха-ха-ха-ха-ха! Хасла!

La-di-da-di-da-di-day, la-di-da-di-da-di-day!

[2 Куплет: MiyaGi]

Весь мой бронкс - rock'n'roll! Enemies suck my dck, that's all!

I'm never-never call me, без церемоний, best moment, it’s all muse control

MiyaGi, Andy Panda-Panda! Вместе - банда-банда!

Что такое хасла? Ну-ка покажи, ну-ка покажи, ман!

[Припев: MiyaGi & Эндшпиль (Andy Panda)]

Объясни мне, ман, что такое хасл?

Что такое? (Хасл) Что такое? Что такое? (Хасл)

Объясни мне, ман, что такое хасл?

Что такое? (Хасл) Что такое? Что такое? (Хасл)

Объясни мне, ман, что такое хасл?

Что такое? (Хасл) Что такое? Что такое? (Хасл)

Объясни мне, ман, что такое хасл?

Что такое? (Хасл) Что такое? Что такое? (Хасл)

[Пред-припев: MiyaGi]

















The song "Hustle" by Miyagi and Andy Panda doesn't explicitly define the word "hustle." Instead, they use the song as a platform to showcase their understanding of the term through their lifestyle, their attitude towards success, and their disdain for those who stand in their way.

Here are the key takeaways that reveal the meaning of "hustle" in the song:

Aggressive confidence and ambition: Andy Panda's verses exhibit disregard for those he deems beneath him and unwavering confidence in his abilities. He compares himself to Danny Ocean, highlighting his capability to achieve his goals, and portrays his success as inevitable.

Focus on material wealth: Expensive items, money, and "cool" girls are presented as integral parts of the lifestyle associated with "hustle."

Relentlessness and perseverance: "Hustle" in the song is intertwined with hard work and striving for success despite any obstacles.

Disdain for the weak: The lyrics are filled with contempt for those who don't share their values, those who are weak and unwilling to fight for their place in the sun.

Therefore, "hustle" in the song "Hustle" isn't merely a job, but a way of life based on ambition, perseverance, the pursuit of wealth, and disregard for those who don't share these values.

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