The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Cycle" (Krugovorot) the performer of the song "Miyagi"

In whirlwinds of wondrous events

In harmful fragments of time I lived

My nerves threw careless words around

Don't expect the old me anymore

Escape is not a way out, but collapse is a whim

And with whirlwinds, I recklessly blurred the light

I dissolved with you in this form completely

Again, like cigarette smoke

In whirlwinds of wondrous events

In harmful fragments of time I lived

My nerves threw careless words around

Don't expect the old me anymore

Escape is not a way out, but collapse is a whim

And with whirlwinds, I recklessly blurred the light

I dissolved with you in this form completely

Again, like cigarette smoke

At sunset, we drew the horizon

With sparks to the sky, soaring weightlessly

And so we continued to breathe in unison

We relied on each other, not hiding our feelings

I believe that the stars favor us

Fogs enveloped us, but we warmed our hearts

This love is infinity, feelings are like eternity

I'm with you till the end


Darling, don't be afraid, I'm near

I'll come to you with an orange sunset

I'll find the purest thoughts

And I'll give you my letters as a keepsake

Let's forget the past, let's build happiness together

Stained lines on the heart are eternity

So many words have been said, but a lifetime is not enough to describe my love for you

Let's fly into infinity

I will always be by your side


I will always be by your side


I will always be by your side


Круговоротами дивных событий

Обрывками вредными времени жил

Нервы кидались словами небрежными

Ты меня прежнего больше не жди

Бегство — не выход, но крах — это прихоть

И вихрями лихо замыливал свет

Я растворялся с тобой в этом облике полностью

Снова, как дым сигарет

Круговоротами дивных событий

Обрывками вредными времени жил

Нервы кидались словами небрежными

Ты меня прежнего больше не жди

Бегство — не выход, но крах — это прихоть

И вихрями лихо замыливал свет

Я растворялся с тобой в этом облике полностью

Снова, как дым сигарет

На закате дня мы рисовали горизонт

Искрами до неба в невесомости паря

Так же продолжали мы дышать в унисон

Уповали друг на друга мы, чувств не тая

Верю в то, что звёзды нам благоволят

Окутали туманы, но мы грели сердца

Эта любовь — бесконечность, чувства как вечность

Я с тобой до конца


Милая, не бойся, я рядом

Приду к тебе с оранжевым закатом

Найду самые чистые мысли

И подарю на память свои письма

Забудем о былом, построим счастье вместе

Запятнанные строчки на сердце — вечность

Сколько сказано слов, но не хватит и жизни, чтоб описать мою любовь к тебе

Полетели в бесконечность

Я всегда буду рядом с тобой


Я всегда буду рядом с тобой


Я всегда буду рядом с тобой


The song "Krugovorot" by Miyagi describes a complex period of transformation in a relationship, overcoming pain and uncertainty on the path to mutual love and devotion.

The first verses paint a picture of a past filled with pain and misunderstanding. "Circles of wondrous events" and "harmful scraps of time" hint at the instability and chaos that filled the lyrical hero's life. "Nerves threw careless words" is an image that conveys painful quarrels and mutual resentment. The phrase "Don't expect the old me anymore" speaks of the profound changes that have taken place in the hero and the impossibility of returning to the old relationship.

Despite the difficulties experienced ("running is not an option, but collapse is a whim"), the hero finds the strength to move on. The image of a whirlwind blurring the light conveys attempts to forget, to escape from reality. Dissolving in "this form", like cigarette smoke, is a metaphor for parting, painful but inevitable.

The second part of the song is filled with hope and light. Meeting the sunset, drawing the horizon with sparks are symbols of a new beginning, the birth of pure and sincere love. "Breathing in unison" and "not hiding feelings" are metaphors for closeness, understanding and trust, which have become the basis of a new relationship.

Belief in the favor of the stars, the warmth of hearts, despite the enveloping fogs - all this speaks of the power of love, able to overcome any obstacles. The feelings of the heroes are compared to infinity and eternity, which emphasizes their depth and seriousness of intentions.

The final lines are a declaration of love and a promise of eternal devotion. The lyrical hero is ready to protect and cherish his beloved ("darling, don't be afraid, I'm there"), to give her joy and happiness ("I will come to you with an orange sunset"). He opens his soul to her ("I will find the purest thoughts"), trusts her with his feelings ("I will give you my letters as a keepsake").

The past, with its "stained lines on the heart", is left behind. The heroes are ready to "build happiness together", believing that their love is "infinity". The repeated phrase "I will always be by your side" is a vow of allegiance, a promise to be a support in any life situation.

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