The meaning of the lyrics of the song "We are not alone." (Myi ne odni) the performer of the song "Miyagi"

[Verse 1, MiyaGi]:

Sleep's a parasite, my home, like I'm trudging on foot

In a thick cloud, a moth I become

I fly languidly to the light of the lantern, not knowing what comes next

Enchanted by the mastery, the crowd catches snippets of lines in volleys

Understand, not ready to forget all the juice

Squeezed out with difficulty, the blood of our hustle

This music-love speaks for us

Stories collected in reserve

Dropped a poisonous sunset along the way

We are seekers of lost Canadas

Enlightenment rolled in at that very moment

Bursts of happy, not without beauty

Throwing back our heads, the Milky Way

Didn't let us forget, didn't let us sleep


We are not alone

We are not alone

We are not alone

We are not alone

[Verse 2, MiyaGi]:

My enchanted paradise

My tangled life

We're ready to fly

Enchanted May

Send your own greetings

Forgive the human, understand

Break the shackles

Be a cloud and fly

Dance, don't waste this day

Burn bright, so bright that mountains roar


We are not alone

We are not alone

We are not alone

We are not alone

[Куплет 1, MiyaGi]:

Сон паразит мой дом, будто плетусь пешком

В густом облаке мотыльком

Томно лечу на свет фонаря, не зная, что будет потом

Околдованный мастерством, залпами ловит обрывки строк

Понимаешь, не готов позабыть весь сок

Выжимали с трудом перебежки-кровь

Это музыка-любовь говорит за нас

Собраны повести прозапас

Обронили по пути ядовитый закат

Мы искатели утерянных кананад

Окатило прозрение в сей же час

Залпами happy не без прекрас

Запрокидывая головы, Млечный путь

Не давал забыть, не давал уснуть


Мы не одни

Мы не одни

Мы не одни

Мы не одни

[Куплет 2, MiyaGi]:

Мой заколдованный рай

Моя запутана life

Мы на готове летать

Очарованный май

Сам привет передай

Человека прощай, понимай

Оковы ломай

Облаком будь и летай

Танцуй, не теряй сей день

Ты гори, да так, чтобы заревели горы


Мы не одни

Мы не одни

Мы не одни

Мы не одни

In the song "We are not alone," Miyagi talks about the creative journey, the search for inspiration, and how music unites people.

The first verse describes the state of creative trance in which the lyrical hero resides. Sleep is compared to a parasite that slows down movement but at the same time allows you to "fly" in a cloud of thoughts and images. The lantern is a metaphor for the inspiration that the hero strives for without thinking about the future. "Enchanted by skill" is the image of a listener who catches every word, every sound. "Juice", "runs-blood" are metaphors that convey the passion, pain, and labor put into creating music.

The chorus "We are not alone" is the key phrase of the song. It expresses the feeling of unity that music creates between people. The hero addresses the listeners, making it clear that they are not alone in their feelings and experiences.

The second verse develops the theme of freedom and flight. "Enchanted paradise" is the world of music where there are no boundaries and rules. "Enchanted May" is a time of renewal and inspiration. The hero encourages listeners to "fly," "dance," "burn," not wasting a minute of their lives.

The repetition of the chorus enhances the emotional impact of the song, emphasizing the main idea that music unites us.

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