The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Without losing" (Ne teryaya) the performer of the song "Miyagi"


Not losing

Not losing

Not losing


There's a mix of blah-blah here

As if the old is gone

Nastya, the dust of the roads led me somewhere, a sinner

Metamorphoses lied, I pecked myself, of course

Life-loving of the hanged led by the nose

Under the pretext of sincerity, you don't hide knives

Everyone here is ready to be close, wishes are fakes

In this world for people who have lost the hearing of the soul

I'm confused, please be quiet, don't twitch

My head was spinning from sunset to dawn

I am a soldier who painted words again in the infirmary

Cutting the belt, cursed this war

And for a lousy idea here they are ready to drown, uh

Don't lose, don't lose

We didn't understand much

Don't lose, don't lose

Don't lose, don't lose

Don't lose, don't lose

We didn't understand much

Don't lose, don't lose

Don't lose, don't lose

You know how the melody caresses my soul every day

Love and prosper, one love

Roll it up for the world and let it go through the cities

This is a special moment, don't miss it, one love

Let this be a lesson for us

Not for nothing, tears down my cheeks, let's release balloons from the windows

Together with them, everything that brought pain

It's not just that we give away moments, we get them again

Ay, I hear voices again

Ay, don't believe, don't be afraid, do it yourself

Ay, let's throw away gadgets and return to childhood again, don't wait, don't worry

Apparently, we ourselves are wasting our dreams

While there is only war, hunger and smoke

This must stop

Don't you agree?

Don't lose, don't lose

We didn't understand much

Don't lose, don't lose

Don't lose, don't lose

Don't lose, don't lose

We didn't understand much

Don't lose, don't lose

Don't lose, don't lose

Don't lose, don't lose

Don't lose, don't lose

Don't lose, don't lose

Don't lose, don't lose


Не теряя

Не теряя

Не теряя


Тут бла-бла намешано

Будто бы нету прежнего

Настра, пыль дорог вела меня куда-то, грешного

Метаморфозы врали, заклевал себя, конечно же

Водило за нос подло жизнелюбие повешенных

Под предлогом искренности ты не прячь ножи

Близким быть горазд тут каждый, пожеланья — муляжи

В этом мире для людей, потерявших слух души

Я запутался, прошу тебя, молчи, не мельтеши

Меня кидала от заката до рассвета голова

Я солдат, что в лазарете снова рисовал слова

Разрезая портупею, проклинал эту войну

И за похабную идею здесь готовы утонуть, е

Не теря- не теряя

Мы многого не понимали

Не теря- не теряя

Не теря- не теряя

Не теря- не теряя

Мы многого не понимали

Не теря- не теряя

Не теря- не теряя

Ты знаешь, как мелодия ласкает мою душу каждый день

Люби и процветай, one love

Скрути его для мира и пусти по городам

Это особенный момент, не прозевай, one love

Пусть для нас это будет уроком

Не по пустякам слёзы по щекам, выпустим шары из окон

Вместе с ними всё, что приносило боль

Не просто так отдаём моменты, получаем вновь

Ау, я снова слышу голоса

Ау, не верь, не бойся, делай сам

Ау, выбросим гаджеты и вновь вернёмся в детство, не жди, не беспокой

Видимо, мы сами травим мечты

Пока тут только войны, голод и дым

Это должно прекращаться

Разве вы не за?

Не теря- не теряя

Мы многого не понимали

Не теря- не теряя

Не теря- не теряя

Не теря- не теряя

Мы многого не понимали

Не теря- не теряя

Не теря- не теряя

Не теря- не теряя

Не теря- не теряя

Не теря- не теряя

Не теря- не теряя

In the song "Don't Lose," Miyagi reflects on the complexities of life, inner conflicts, and the search for oneself.

The recurring phrase "Don't Lose" can be interpreted as an appeal to himself not to lose himself in this world full of lies, hypocrisy, and pain. The lyrical hero feels lost, confused, and tormented by doubts. He confesses: "There's blah-blah mixed up here, As if there's no past." Perhaps he has faced betrayal, disappointment that changed his outlook on the world.

The image of "road dust" symbolizes a life journey full of trials. The hero feels "sinful," perhaps because of the mistakes he made along the way. The "metamorphosis" that happened to him did not bring the desired result, he "pecked himself to death," tormented by guilt and self-flagellation.

The hypocritical "joie de vivre of the hanged" is a metaphor for the false optimism imposed by society. Under the guise of "sincerity" are hidden the "knives" of betrayal. People around him seem fake, their "wishes are fakes."

The hero feels lonely in the "world of people who have lost their ear for the soul." He finds no understanding, so he asks the interlocutor to be silent. The metaphor of a "soldier in the infirmary who again drew words, Cutting open his cartridge pouch, cursing this war" conveys mental pain and fatigue from the struggle. The "obscene idea" for which "they are ready to drown" may symbolize the false values ​​imposed by society.

The chorus "Not losing, we didn't understand much" is an admission that we make mistakes on the path of life because we don't understand much. But it is important not to give up, to continue to look for yourself and your way.

Miyagi calls for love, unity and forgiveness: "Love and prosper, one love". He believes that music can unite people, give them hope. It is important to appreciate every moment of life, let go of the past and move forward, leaving behind pain and disappointment.

The final lines of the song are a call to awakening, awareness. The world is full of wars, suffering, but each of us can make it a better place if we stop "poisoning dreams" and start acting.

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