The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Sky" (Nebo) the performer of the song "Miyagi"


Showered the Angel with flowers, take my soul for free

Cleaned up the mess, Miyagi is weak and subdued

Young and for you to the bottom, a glass or into a salad

Wait, don't cry yet

I'll be lost time for you, but time-tested

We've been entrusted to each other forever

Under a fat beat, the world is peacefully broken, my verse is firm

A wave is a lyre, boiling in my veins, I love you strongly

You are my sky

Clouds are floating by

You are my sky

This love is forever

Wait, don't cry yet

Raining on the peaks

Cold will engulf the city, and I'll be in the courtyards

Praying to God for you, I'll erase the resentment to shreds

I'll be the wind

I am a music lover, and you are a cherished melody

We'll walk the world, following unknown trails

And for now, neither sorrow nor grief awaits us


I love you, my sky, shower me with water

Illuminate me with light, preserve my love

Carry me away with the wind, tell me everything

Our song is not finished - we'll finish it together


The stars gave me a miracle, hold my hand

It was awesome

We walked home in step, rain drumming on the puddles

Candles, wine, dinner, cola, movies, we're circling the city

Smile for no reason, come on

Yesterday you reread "Flowers for Algernon"

I played the ridiculous Capone in the mirror

Coffee will open your eyes, music, night and notes

In the track, love from me to you, all the way to Minnesota

We reveled in scarlet sunsets, dawns of the soul

With unfinished songs, with scarlet hues

You are my sky, I reach for the sun through the clouds

I'll reach you, even if the world turns upside down

You are my sky

Clouds are floating by

You are my sky

This love is forever


Цветами заваливал Ангела, душу забери за так

Прибрала бардак, Мияги слаб и поддат

Молод и за тебя до дна бокал ну или же в салат

Ты погоди не ной только

Я буду для тебя потерянным временем, но проверенным

Мы с тобой на веки друг другу были доверены

Под бит жирный, разбит мирно, мой стих - фирма

Волна - лира, кипит в жилах, люблю сильно

Ты мое небо

Мимо плывут облака

Ты мое небо

Эта любовь на века

Ты погоди не ной только

Дождем по козырькам

Окатит холодом город, а я по дворам

Бога молю за тебя, сотру до дыр обиду

Буду ветром

Я - меломан, а ты - мелодия заветная

Мы же гулять по миру, по следам неведомым

И впредь нам ни беды, ни горя не видать


Я люблю тебя небо, окати меня водой

Озари меня светом, сохрани мою любовь

Унеси меня ветром, расскажи мне обо всем

Наша песня не допета – допоем ее вдвоем


Подарили звезды мне чудо, за руку держи меня

Было круто

Топали в ногу до дома, дождь барабанил по лужам

Свечи вино ужин, кола кино кружим по городу

Повода без улыбнись ну же

Вчера перечитала «Цветы для Элджернона»

Я в зеркало отыгрывал нелепого Капонэ

Кофе глаза приоткроет, музыка ночь и ноты

В треке любовь от меня тебе до Миннесоты

Закатами алыми, рассветами души мы баловали

Песнями, что не допеты оттенками алыми

Ты - мое небо, я по облакам рукой до солнца

Долечу до тебя, даже если мир перевернется

Ты мое небо

Мимо плывут облака

Ты мое небо

Эта любовь на века

In his song "Sky," Miyagi addresses his beloved, metaphorically comparing her to the sky. The lyrical hero expresses strong, all-consuming feelings. He is ready for anything for his beloved, calling her his "cherished melody," his "sky."

The song begins with the hero appearing vulnerable, "weak and pliable," ready to give his soul for his beloved. He confesses his devotion and loyalty, promising to be there for her no matter what. "We were entrusted to each other forever," sings Miyagi, emphasizing the unbreakable bond between them.

The hero's world revolves around his beloved. He finds solace in music, which helps him express his feelings: "The wave is a lyre, boiling in my veins, I love you strongly." The image of rain appearing in the lyrics symbolizes cleansing, renewal, and the opportunity to start over.

Miyagi asks his "cherished melody" not to cry, promising to protect her from all adversity. He trusts in higher powers, praying to God for his beloved's happiness. "I am a music lover, and you are a cherished melody. We will walk the world, following unknown paths" – these lines express the hero's desire to share all joys and sorrows with his beloved, to walk through life hand in hand.

In the chorus, Miyagi addresses the sky as a symbol of eternity and boundlessness. He compares his love to the sky, emphasizing its depth and strength. The clouds floating across the sky symbolize the passage of time, against which their love remains unchanged.

The second part of the song continues to develop the theme of love and devotion. The hero thanks fate for meeting his beloved, calling her a miracle. He describes their shared moments of happiness: walks in the rain, cozy evenings at home.

Miyagi uses vivid imagery and metaphors to convey his feelings. He compares himself to the wind, ready to carry his beloved away from all problems, and to the hero of the book "Flowers for Algernon," who found and then lost love.

In the song's finale, Miyagi again addresses the sky, asking it to illuminate their path and preserve their love. He believes that their "song is not sung to the end" and that together they will overcome any difficulties.

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