The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Poor thing" (Bednyajka) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

I saw her in a straitjacket,

She sighed: 'Nobody needs me, you see,

Yesterday I lost at checkers to my neighbor,

Who would want such a stupid wife to be?'

I comforted her: 'Don't despair, my dear,

To tell the truth, we're all a little insane,

Hiding our flaws deep inside, it's clear,

We know so little about our own domain.'


No, I can't help her, it's plain to see,

It's hard for me to grasp her troubled mind,

It's easier to simply turn and flee,

Than find the words that I might need to find.

From these strange words that she utters low,

My body trembles, my heart starts to pound,

She's trapped in sorrowful dreams, I know,

But what will save her, I haven't found...

Her face for a moment cleared with light:

'I'm grateful to our doctor, kind and wise,

He's good, I've almost fallen in love, it's right,

And from him now, a child I so desire...'

I pretended to be glad at her request,

'Wonderful!' - I told her with a smile,

What does she feel, living in darkness, oppressed?

Yes, I still loved her, after all this while.


Увидел я ее в смирительной рубашке,

Она вздохнула: "Никому я не нужна,

Вчера соседу проиграла в шашки,

Кому пойдет такая глупая жена?"

Я утешал ее: "Не унывай, родная,

Сказать по правде, все мы не в своем уме,

Свои пороки глубоко в себе скрывая,

Мы очень мало знаем о себе".


Нет, я не в силах ей помочь,

Мне нелегко ее понять,

Мне проще удалиться прочь,

Чем что-то нужное сказать,

От этих странных ее слов

Меня колотит и трясет,

Она в плену печальных снов,

Не знаю, что ее спасет...

Ее лицо на время прояснилось:

"Я благодарна нашему врачу,

Он добрый, я в него почти влюбилась

И от него ребеночка хочу..."

Я сделал вид, что рад ее желанью,

"Чудесно!" - ей в ответ проговорил,

Что она чувствует, живя во тьме за гранью?

Да, я ее по-прежнему любил.


The song "Poor Thing" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of a lyrical hero's encounter with his beloved, who is in a mental hospital.

The first verse paints us a picture of the heroine's state of mind: she is depressed, feels useless, blames herself for her own fate ("Nobody needs me", "Who would want such a stupid wife?"). The lyrical hero tries to comfort her, saying that all people are imperfect and hide their flaws.

The chorus of the song reveals the hero's true attitude to what is happening. He admits that he does not know how to help his beloved and is afraid to even try ("I can't help her", "It's not easy for me to understand her", "It's easier for me to walk away"). The heroine's strange speeches frighten him, he feels helpless in the face of her grief ("From these strange words of hers / I am shaken and trembling").

The second verse demonstrates the worsening of the heroine's illness: she shares with the lyrical hero her unhealthy fantasies ("He is kind, I almost fell in love with him / And I want a child from him..."). The hero, however, does not try to reason with her or challenge her words. He only pretends to be happy for her, hiding his pain and love under the guise of indifference ("I pretended to be happy for her / 'Wonderful!' - I said to her in response"). The final phrase "Yes, I still loved her" emphasizes the tragedy of the situation: the hero loves a woman who has lost her mind, and sees no way to help her.

The song leaves a depressing impression of hopelessness. The author does not give answers to questions, but only exposes to the listener the depth of human grief and helplessness in the face of mental illness.

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