The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Wanderer and the Old Man" (Brodyaga i Starik) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The vagabond stepped onto the porch and knocked on the door -

'Guests are always welcome!' said the old man, 'but, son, don't you believe a word I say!

You'll be fed and you'll rest on my warm stove!'

'You must be kidding, old man!'

'Well, my dear, don't be offended!'

The vagabond sat on a hard stool - 'It's my fourth day on the road!

Don't you joke with me, old man, warm me up and give me shelter!'

'I can't refuse a guest, ask for anything you want!

Better yet, go down to the cellar and bring some potatoes!'

'I'm old, it's hard for me to walk' - he said to the guy's back.

The door closed, and at the same moment the old man burst into laughter.

Waking up in a damp cellar, the vagabond groaned.

He fell from the stairs, his head hitting the granite floor!


The room is warm and cozy, everything is clean!

The old man wants to have a feast!

From under the chair he pulls out a black cat:

'How are you, my whiskered little rascal!'

And blood is running down his face from the graze on his forehead.

'But why is he tied to the pillar with ropes?'

'You won't die' - said the old man, sharpening his knife.

But the guy lowered his eyes, he knew - it was a lie...


The room is warm and cozy, everything is clean!

The old man wants to have a feast!

From under the chair he pulls out a black cat:

'How are you, my whiskered little rascal!'

Ступил бродяга на крыльцо и постучался в дверь -

"Гостям я рад!" - сказал старик, "но, парень, мне не верь!

Ты будешь сыт и отдохнёшь у деда на печи!"

"Должно быть, дед, ты это врёшь!"

"Ну, милый, не взыщи!"

Бродяга сел на жёсткий стул - "Четвёртый день в пути!

Ты, дед, со мною не шути, согрей и приюти!"

"Не смею гостю отказать, что хочешь - то проси!

А лучше в погреб полезай, картошки принеси!"

"Я стар, ходить мне тяжело" - сказал он парню вслед.

Закрылась дверь, и в тот же миг расхохотался дед.

Очнувшись в погребе сыром, бродяга застонал.

Об пол гранитный головой он с лестницы упал!


В комнате тепло, уютно, всюду чистота!

Хочет дед себе устроить праздник!

Из под стула достаёт он чёрного кота:

"Как дела, усатый мой проказник!"

И кровь стекает по лицу из ссадины на лбу.

"Но почему привязан он верёвками к столбу?"

"Ты не умрёшь" - сказал старик, затачивая нож.

Но парень опустил глаза, он понял - это ложь...


В комнате тепло, уютно, всюду чистота!

Хочет дед себе устроить праздник!

Из под стула достаёт он чёрного кота:

"Как дела, усатый мой проказник!"

This text of the song "The Tramp and the Old Man" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) tells the tragic story of a traveler's encounter with a seemingly hospitable old man, which turns into a nightmare.

From the very first lines, a deceptive picture unfolds: a tired traveler finds shelter with a seemingly kind old man. The old man invites him into the house with feigned joy, promising food, warmth, and rest. However, even in the old man's first words, an alarming note slips: "but, lad, don't you believe me!". This is the first indication of the insincerity of his intentions.

The old man's further actions only confirm suspicions. He is in no hurry to fulfill his promises, sending the traveler to a dark cellar, while referring to his advanced age. The sinister laughter of the old man that rang out after the slamming door finally dispels the illusions of his kindness.

The fall of the wanderer in the cellar, which led to an injury, does not look like an accident, but rather part of the old man's cunning plan. Upon waking up, the prisoner finds himself tied, realizing that he has fallen into the trap of a cruel maniac.

The chorus of the song paints a contrast between the seeming comfort of the old man's dwelling and his true intentions. "The room is warm, cozy, clean everywhere!" — the choir sings, but this cleanliness is ominous, because it was probably achieved at the cost of the lives of previous victims. The image of a black cat, the "mustachioed prankster," whom the old man affectionately takes out from under the chair, only enhances the oppressive atmosphere. The cat, traditionally associated with evil spirits, acts here as a silent accomplice in the crimes of the old man.

The ending of the song is tragic and predictable. The old man, sharpening the knife, falsely reassures his victim, but the wanderer, seeing the preparations of the tormentor, realizes that he is facing imminent death.

Thus, the song "The Tramp and the Old Man" is a dark fairy tale that hides deep psychologism behind its external simplicity. It makes you think about the dark sides of the human soul, about the insidiousness that can hide under the guise of good nature.

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