The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Alyoshka was jamming on the bayan..." (Alyoschka jaril na bayane...) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"


Alyoshka was rockin' on the accordion,

"Shalman" was clinking with dishes and sound.

In the smoky haze, like a foggy morn,

An Odessa charlatan danced around.

He spent three hundred thousand on this affair,

Bought lots of vodka and wine for the place,

Invited Alyoshka and Zhora, the music pair,

And Masha the hooker, with a guitar on her face.


Alyoshka was rockin' on the accordion,

"Shalman" was clinking with dishes and sound.

In the smoky haze, like a foggy morn,

An Odessa charlatan danced around.

The charlatan rented a spot by the stall,

And served a plenty of tasty delights.

His girlfriend Klavka cooked in the hall,

While Lyoshka "Wonderdude" served as a waiter at nights.


Alyoshka was rockin' on the accordion,

"Shalman" was clinking with dishes and sound.

In the smoky haze, like a foggy morn,

An Odessa charlatan danced around.

Ivan the Thug got tired of his shady trade,

Decided to build a moonshine device.

But the contraption he built was poorly made,

So he went to work at a meat factory, wise.


Alyoshka was rockin' on the accordion,

"Shalman" was clinking with dishes and sound.

In the smoky haze, like a foggy morn,

An Odessa charlatan danced around.


Алешка жарил на баяне,

Звенел посудою "Шалман".

В дыму в табачном, как в тумане,

Плясал одесский шарлатан.

На это дело он угробил тыщи триста,

Купил товару самогонки и вина,

Себе позвал Алешу с Жорой гармонистов,

И курва Машка с гитарою пришла.


Алешка жарил на баяне,

Звенел посудою "Шалман".

В дыму в табачном, как в тумане,

Плясал одесский шарлатан.

Харланыщик ударил место у прилавка,

И заправлял немало очень вкусных блюд,

На кухне жарила его подруга Клавка,

Афициантом был Лешка Вундердуд.


Алешка жарил на баяне,

Звенел посудою "Шалман".

В дыму в табачном, как в тумане,

Плясал одесский шарлатан.

Устал Иван Блатной крутить свое кадило,

Тогда поставил свой самогонный аппарат,

Однако эта установка намудрила,

И он пошел работать в мясокомбинат.


Алешка жарил на баяне,

Звенел посудою "Шалман".

В дыму в табачном, как в тумане,

Плясал одесский шарлатан.

The song "Alyoshka was frying on the bayan..." by Vladimir Vysotsky paints a vivid picture of Odessa life, full of colorful characters and events.

Meaning of the lyrics:

Atmosphere: The song is permeated with the atmosphere of an Odessa courtyard, where life is in full swing, music is playing, and everyone is busy with their own business. "Shalman," the setting of the song, appears noisy and smoky, with dancing people and the clinking of dishes.

Characters: The characters in the song are typical inhabitants of Odessa courtyards: Alyoshka the accordionist, a charlatan, "Kurva Mashka" with a guitar, a former black marketeer ("harlanshik") Ivan Blatnoy who became the owner of the "shalman." Each character is drawn vividly, using colorful Odessa slang.

Irony and Satire: Vysotsky shows the life of his characters with humor and some irony. They are not perfect, they are not engaged in the most prestigious professions, but they live brightly and with a twinkle in their eyes. The charlatan who became a restaurateur, Ivan Blatnoy, who switched from illegal alcohol to a meat processing plant - they are all forced to adapt to the circumstances, to find ways to survive and enjoy life.

Musicality: The song itself is very rhythmic, зажигательная (fiery, exciting), reminiscent of Odessa courtyard songs. The repeating chorus creates a sense of movement, dance, and an endless celebration of life.

In general, "Alyoshka was frying on the bayan..." is a song-sketch, a song-mood that conveys the atmosphere of Odessa life, with its bright characters, humor and unique flavor.

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